Eludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misconceptions, by Jonathan Goh – Book Review By Fred Patten

by Pup Matthias

Submitted by Fred Patten, Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer.

eludoran coverEludoran: The Legend of Lorelei in a Geste of Grave Misconceptions, by Jonathan Goh. Illustrated, map, by Anya Ewing.
Singapore, Partridge Publishing, December 2014, hardcover $48.38 (877 pages); Bloomington, IN, Xlibris, February 2015, trade paperback $32.25 (868 [+ 1] pages), Kindle $3.99.

(As far as I can tell from the fine print, Eludoran was published in hardcover by Partridge Publishing in Singapore in December 2014, then in an almost but not quite identical trade paperback edition by Xlibris, which is headquartered in Bloomington, Indiana but has offices all around the world. Its edition of Eludoran comes from Xlibris’ office in Gordon, NSW, a suburb of Sydney. Does anyone besides me care about this trivia?)

Eludoran is furry epic poetry in alliterative verse, inspired by J. R. R. Tolkien. It begins with a quote from Tolkien’s The Lay of Leithian, and is “In memory of John Ronald Reuel Tolkien”. It is presented in three Acts; the first two of 16 Cants (cantos) each, and the third of 12 Cants. Each Act opens with a detailed map or a full-page illustration. Read the rest of this entry »