Historian and editor, Fred Patten, invites writers for “Furry Future” anthology.
by Patch O'Furr
Writers: check out this announcement from Fred Patten. He’s “one of the main founders of the furry fandom”. Between his fiction book editing, column writing for Cartoon Research, and Flayrah submissions, he took a minute to pass me a much appreciated note.
Dear Patch;
The Furry Future is an original-fiction anthology that I am editing for FurPlanet Productions. Here’s the open invitation for submissions that I sent out:
FurPlanet Publications has just opened The Furry Future, edited by Fred Patten, its forthcoming original-short story anthology for Further Confusion 2015. This will go on sale on January 15, 2015, so our deadline to accept proposed submissions is November 1, 2014, with the deadline for finished stories of December 1. Our goal is a book of 120,000 to 150,000 words, with from ten to fourteen stories by different authors.
We would like to invite all FWG members to submit a story to this anthology. Since both our What Happens Next and Five Fortunes have featured sequels to their authors’ previous stories, we would like this book to present original scenarios. No sequels. Show us what ideas you have for something new, with a strong furry theme.
The theme is the future, with furries. Utopias, dystopias, dramas, comedies, on Earth or in interstellar space, all furry or how the first furrys are bioengineered, why humans bioengineer furrys, how the human public reacts to furrys, furry scientists inventing the future, marketing for furrys (what products will a furry population want to buy), and so on. We would prefer stories set in a strong furry or mixed human-furry civilization, rather than strong s-f in which the characters are only incidentally furry, or “funny animal” stories where the characters are obvious humans just superficially anthro animals.
Length: 5,000 to 20,000 words preferred. Shorter is okay if you have a good idea. Longer than 20,000 words – let’s discuss it.
Payment: FurPlanet’s usual ½¢ per word, upon publication, plus a copy of the book. Authors may buy additional copies at a 30% discount.
Rating: G and PG preferred; R acceptable but discouraged.
My preference for real names or plausible pseudonyms is well-known, but furry pseudonyms are perfectly acceptable if an author has a well-known furry name that he or she would rather keep using.
This is an open submission anthology, so we expect many authors who have not been in one of my anthologies before. If you have any friends who would like to submit a furry short story, tell them about this. If you would like to recommend a writer, tell us about him or her.
My address is fredpatten@earthlink.net. I look forward to hearing from you.
Best wishes;
Final report: “The Furry Future” has been closed out in mid-November with 19 stories totaling 183,000 words. It is going through layout now for publication in mid-January at Further Confusion 2015.