Dogpatch Press

Fluff Pieces Every Week

Category: Art

Furry news and Snausage links of the week (5-22-14)

by Patch O'Furr

Worldwide furries: Russia and Belarus – Site losses this week – Fursuiting magic outdoors – Flayrah’s Newsbytes now added here

Do you like links and stories to come? Snausages– a regularish feature. Story tips welcome- I’d love to post yours!

– WORLDWIDE FURRIES: Russia and Belarus
BELFURENCE 1: “The first furry convention in Belarus. We rented a couple of houses in the middle of nowhere, at Braslav Lakes National Park.”
Amazing photos! Rough translating indicates that trouble in Ukraine led to a new event in a new location.
Some of the same furries appear in this parade: Dreamflash… 5000+ people parading for hugs, positivity, bright costumes, and soap bubbles.
A super cool answer to my older article, “Questions for Russian furry fans about anti-gay oppression“. Could simply wearing a fursuit get you in trouble? Not for these.

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Snausage links and furry news of the week (5-15-14)

by Patch O'Furr

rocket raccoonFurry culture in San Francisco news – Furfling banned on FA – Fur Con reg open, hotel 5/21 – Rocket Raccoon cosplay – And more!

Do you like links and samples of stories to come? Here’s treats of the week. Snausages: now a regular feature!

We’re in San Francisco’s XPRESS magazine. (I helped author C. Genest with a little story info and interviewing.)
“The only genuine bond connecting the furry community is a common love for ‘funny animal’ characters in art.”

Original story updated with new comment from FA owner Dragoneer. (And a new fake site discussed there.)
“Furrymate was barred from advertising on FA given their deceptive practices.”

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Santa Ana gallery’s ‘Art of Furry Fandom’ connects public with Furry past and future

by Patch O'Furr

Repost from Flayrah news, 5/29/2013:

Mark Merlino and his friend Rod O’Riley might be called “first wave” furries from original geek culture, when that meant underground comics, fanzines and pen-pals. They held the first parties that turned into conventions, and WikiFur calls them “founding members of organized furry fandom.” Mark owns The Prancing Skiltaire.

furRod’s most recent accomplishment is The Art of Furry Fandom, at Avantgarden art gallery in Santa Ana, CA. It opens concurrently with this year’s Califur, this weekend. In his journal, Mark calls it a dream he’s had for over 30 years.

According to the gallery:

AVANTGARDEN is proud to present “Women Desperately Seeking Escape…a Series” photographically captured on film and digitally by ELLEN SEEFELDT. We also welcome JAY RIGGIO‘S hand cut pasted collage work, SHARLYNORA WILKINSON‘s paintings, and The Art of Furry Fandom, curated by RODNEY STANSFIELD. This exhibit runs June 1–29, opening reception June 1, 7–10pm.

Mark reminded me of a similar show in 2012 in San Jose during Further Confusion, with “more artists, more art, same kind of independent gallery”. Actually, there were two: a Slave Labor Graphics show, and “People-Shaped Animals” at Kaleid Gallery.

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Furry artist in finals of San Francisco Public Library card design contest

by Patch O'Furr

Flayrah news: 10/19/12

Library card designWalter Ringtail’s comic strip Paw Valley features a gang of cartoon animal friends who often end up in ticklish situations.

Now, patrons of San Francisco’s Public Library may be tickled to have his art work in their pockets.

According to this cartoon illustrated tour, seven million people a year pass through SFPL’s main branch alone (one of 27 branches in the city). Library membership is over 350,000, with over nine million loans circulated per year. That’s a lot of patrons who could become card-carrying appreciators of furry art!

3,000 submissions were received for the SFPL card design contest. Judges selected ten finalists in each of five age-based categories. The top vote-winners will be printed on SFPL library cards in 2013.

Walter Ringtail’s submission “The Bedtime Story” was chosen for the adult level finals. Now, it’s up to the public to vote for the winner.
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