Youtube’s popular Reptile Channel has a history of banned animal abuse by JonahVore.
by Patch O'Furr
Reptile Channel (UPDATE: 450,000+ subscribers in 2020, joined in 2016) — not the same as former The Reptile Channel (joined in 2014).
Love your pets. But don’t eat your pets. And definitely don’t stomp them to death for sadistic sexual pleasure. That’s known as crush fetish, a thankfully illegal practice that qualifies for the Internet Hall Of Shame because of kitten murder. Such animal abuse has earned news and legal bans, but corporations have a problem with keeping it off their platforms. (Gizmodo: YouTube Won’t Ban A Guy Who Crushes Animals to Death.)
We can talk about weird stuff here. If you have gone down some shady alleys on the internet, you might have seen vore fetish. (That’s the erotic fantasy for consuming others or being consumed, which might involve dragons.) It’s usually harmless and imaginary in fiction and role-play.
A tip came in about a story that blurs the lines between those things. Youtube’s Reptile Channel is a producer of videos that show small animals being fed to larger ones. They use a reasonable-sounding cover story about science, education and necessary feeding. But it’s tainted with a nasty secret: it was founded in vore fetishism, with a history of being protested.
Pets have to eat. Forcing feeding for pleasure and profit begs the question: whose appetite is really being served? Calling it animal abuse may need careful attention or reading between the lines – but that has been the reason for account bans and efforts to hide this story. Meanwhile this content is taking advantage of policy loopholes and corporate apathy.
The tipster, Tanookicatoon, poked the underbelly and made it cough up some ugly truth. Links, images and info in italics are added by editor. (- Patch)

For science? Patreon page. (UPDATE: down)
From Youtube:
“Reptile Channel is for people who enjoy reptiles, learning about them, and plain ol’ just enjoy watching them. The channel focuses on the science of reptile feeding behavior.
Back in the day when we were working on our thesis of reptile feeding behavior we created videos weekly or twice weekly to support a master’s dissertation. The focus has always been on creating high quality reptile videos to support the thesis, and more diverse the better. Reptile Channel is distinct from the vast majority of reptile content today in that we focus specificaly on the science of feeding behavior and reptile (and avian) anatomy and physiology.
Reptile Channel was created to freely share original content with everyone. Our goal from the beginning is to create a comprehensive scientific portfolio of reptiles hunting and feeding. This is such a quixotic goal that in the last decade the unique project has grown far beyond any of my expectations in becoming a valuable educational resource.”
This is Reptile Channel’s most popular video that had 1.2 million views between 5/19/17 – 6/19/17 … a fast growing audience. “This video focuses on the science of snake behavior to support a master’s thesis. Video is for citation for junior high school, high school science reports… Filmed with the University of Guadalajara for Biological and Agricultural Sciences”.
UPDATE NOVEMBER 2018: 13 million views, behind this one that rose to 19 million.
(Tanookicatoon:) I couldn’t help but notice a new channel breaking out on Youtube, and by noticing, I couldn’t help but feel that the videos I was watching were all too familiar. Sure enough, the more I looked into it, the more the signs began to point to the owner of the channel being JonahVore. If you don’t remember who that is, he is a notorious animal abuser, using reptiles nature of swallowing animals whole to indulge in his vore fantasies. This person was exposed years ago, when he was originally posting content to YouTube in 2007 and was banned.
- VERY NSFW: JonahVore at Encyclopedia Dramatica and Jonah’s old erotic story archive on Yiffstar.
- Jonah on FurAffinity. Many of his supporters are vore furries.
Stop JonahVore’s Abuse of Animals NOW: “the vast majority of Jonah’s viewers are unaware as to *why* these videos were produced. Jonah is a voraphile (or “vorarephile”) and a prominent member of the vore and furry fetish communities.”
Jonah has claimed to feed rabbits, dogs, cats, and even (dubiously) humans to predator animals.
I began to look at his old website and in the old Big Gulp Message Boards, and noticed that a lot of his posts and videos from his original site were now missing. On top of it, I actually found the Reptile Channel being advertised on the Big Gulp Message Boards. Of course, when this was mentioned, the links on the message board quickly disappeared.
I didn’t get a screen shot of what was in the Advertisements, but the first read something among the lines of, “new RL vore channel, HD video, some of them a lot you might remember.” Which prompted me to start using the Wayback website. Sure enough, you can see that, while you can no longer read the advertisements, you can still see that they, indeed, were made, and dated.
- Screen of Big Gulp boards with ads for Reptile Channel
- Screen of Big Gulp boards after ad removal.
Going to Reptile Channel on Patreon, you can see that the dates which certain posts were made match up very closely. This gave me the big idea to simply go to the original JonahsVore website through the Wayback to see if I could find anything. Sure enough, I found one matching video. A video of his raven being forcefed a mouse, which is on his Youtube channel as well. I recognized it right off the bat.
- Reptile Channel raven video, and Patreon post about it (screen) dated close to the Big Gulp ad.
- Archived Jonahvore site with same raven movie, and current site with video removed.
- The old archived raven video is lo-res. It can’t be the source for an HD upload.
- Reptile Channel’s new post of this video is in HD, so it isn’t just sourced from the web, it’s directly from the original.
He’s doing the same thing that he did last time. Hiding under that vague “educational” disguise. His original account lasted for a couple years before his original videos got him banned. There are users that take account of his old videos as well. This was the one that got him in the most trouble – he clearly does things to force his animals to do this. (Repost:) “Snake / Python Eats Chick / Bird Alive”. (- Tanookicatoon)
(Patch:) I see the Youtube channel claims to be part of study for a zoology degree. Tanooki comments on a FurAffinity journal post about this: “A lot of their videos claim to be college studies in labs, but they’re obviously in their bedroom, or kitchen.” There are more comments worth reading there.
Tanooki showed me a FurAffinity note that confronted the owner of the Big Gulp message board about the JonahVore/Reptile Channel connection. He refuses to confirm or deny it. There’s an excuse about owner safety, but no mention of evading bans. Tanooki also documented Vore furries supporting the Patreon. Besides furries, thousands of regular viewers may have no idea about hidden motives.
Here’s transparency about a channel that appears to be claiming professional goals and legit science. Remember, even testing on lab animals is supposed to have rigorous standards.
The farthest fringes of fetish can be harmless fantasy. But there’s a boundary that calls for awareness expressed by Tanooki’s FA journal:
I do not, in any way, condone animal abuse whatsoever. Vore is a fetish that should remain a fantasy, and should not be brought into reality by human hands. Abusing the true nature of animals for your sexual needs is disgusting.
UPDATE 6/20/17:
1) This 2009 Livejournal post describes in detail what JonahVore did to be banned from Youtube in the past:
Amidst the horrors of his videos, I’ve seen a monitor lizard savagely bitten around the face and eyes by a rat over 20 times while it attempted to kill the rat, with no attempt made by the owner to prevent such harm to his animal.
I have seen video of a python that has obviously been pre-fed a rat have a live chick fed to it, the objective being that the snake will not be able to swallow the chick right away and he can closeup of the poor bird struggling and peeping desperately as it lunges half out of the mouth and the python grasps it, over and over. And then, when the chick is finally swallowed, focus in on the snake’s throat to see the still struggling chick’s outline and hear it still crying.
This is all done with the implication through his name and certain of his actions that he is doing this for sexual gratification.
I have seen him callously toss animals together that were not providing the response he wanted. This man does not care about or for the reptiles he is keeping. He does not care about humane feeding methods.
2) This 2014 Livejournal post has a screencap of JonahVore’s face and other personal details.
3) From Reddit’s r/reptiles:
I’m a huge fan of The Reptile Channel – HerpersTV. They make quality, educational videos and I’m happy to share them everywhere I can. I know that in talking with Dāv Kaufman who owns The Reptile Channel, that he’s taking steps to protect his copyright and trademarks, but aside from this, every reptile person should condemn channels like this open and publicly… I’m going to forward it on to Dāv, and I’ll be sure to keep you posted.
UPDATE 7/9/17:
Tanookicatoon linked here and reports deletion of many Reptile Channel videos:
So, about a month ago now, I went ahead tipped Patch on his blog about Reptile Channel on Youtube. Showed them all the evidence I had gathered and they went ahead and did some high quality snooping that I wasn’t even aware could be done, finding about 99% more info than I had originally connected to the channel… Needless to say, within that week, Reptile Channel had deleted more than two thirds of their videos in order to hide the evidence. And the offending people in the article have now blocked me here. LOL. So, BIG BIG BIG THANK YOU to Patch for getting this news out way better I could have. It may have not gotten Reptile Channel/most likely JonahVore off Youtube, but it certainly cast a very wary eye over them. They haven’t done a live feeding since the article, but still occasionally have a video inside the house with their savannah monitors.
Reptile Channel’s description has changed on Youtube. It downplays the previous “focus specificaly on the science of feeding behavior”, and adds a supposed purpose for accepting other people’s videos. (Very convenient that it didn’t say that before, when a commenter below said it:)
Channel is about reptile education, care & feeding, avoid accidents and injuries, online degree programs, and bachelor degree accreditation. Pet insurance for health and medical emergencies. Recommend shop around for best health premiums. Not just for dogs and cats, take care of your reptile friends too! Videos that we produced were created in the pursuit of a M.Sc. in Zoology with a focus on predatory reptile feeding behavior, strategy and anatomy in acquiring of resources; created to both support and defend a master’s thesis. Content is created and available to academia for herpetological biostatistics. Also, for people young and old who like reptiles, learning about them, and plain ol’ just enjoy watching them. 🙂 If you have reptile feeding videos (predatory or plant-eating) you would like to contribute to this channel, and you are the owner, and don’t mind us monetizing, please contact us! Videos must have general public/educational interest which we may narrate over.
UPDATE 11/20/18:
A tip came in that the channel is proudly featuring its 100K subscriber “Silver Play Button” award. And in a few months since then it has risen to 270K subscribers. This problem hasn’t gotten better since the info was published – it’s getting worse, and Youtube isn’t listening to reports.
The Patreon account is down now so perhaps they listened. You can try flagging the channel on Youtube here, but Youtube appears to offer no option for reporting animal abuse.
In 2017 a popular "science" channel on Youtube was exposed as a front for RL animal abuse fetish content:
— Dogpatch Press (@DogpatchPress) November 21, 2018
Youtube isn't listening to reports. In 2018 the channel got an award for reaching 100K subscribers (now 270K). RT for corporate accountability.
UPDATE 4/28/20:
Atrocious Youtubers Wiki has a page for Reptile Channel. The channel has risen by 10,000 subscribers a month since last update to 450,000 now.
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It’s pretty clear from the “Raven eats live rat 1st time” video that there’s coercion happening here: you watch the raven mess with the baby rat a bit, but not really get it, and then suddenly the video clips to the raven being held firmly in someone’s hand with the rat stuffed into its beak. Plus, according to the update, pre-feeding a snake to make it harder for it to eat the live chick.
Combine that with the fact that the predator animals are apparently being injured this way (to say nothing about cruelty toward the prey being intentionally slowly eaten) is what puts this most firmly in the “animal abuse” camp, in my mind, sexual motivation notwithstanding. Live feeding is a controversial matter and as I don’t practice it myself (not even with insects/crustaceans) I haven’t read enough about it to know what the expert consensus on the practice is, but I think this would be pretty obvious “you know it when you see it” situation. It’s probably a good argument against the practice.
I wonder how common a sexual aspect is to this, at least on a subconscious level? Same for the videos where people make different species of insect/spider fight each other. A modernized display of one of the “Macdonald triad” traits?
I always ask myself why do people that like to do controversial stuff like this, feel the need to upload it to the internet. Besides the ethical concerns, it’s a liability.
It’s not just “I like to do this morally questionable thing”, it’s “look at me do it, look at me, I’m so awesome”.
People who make it get gratified by having more of it come as a result. In this case I suspect being located in Mexico may make an advantage of relaxed animal welfare standards too.
Wow, I think you guys missed the boat on this one. Big time. That’s not Jonah’s channel. Reptile Channel is using some of his videos, because I recognize them, but most of the other videos aren’t his. I don’t know where they came from, but they’re not Jonah’s.
One of their videos I recognize from elsewhere, but I don’t know about the others.
Reptile Channel asks for peoples videos so they can use (make money) from them. I read their Patreon. Money goes to taking care of neglected or injured reptiles. So that’s why they want the money off people donating their videos.
Did you contact Reptile Channel before doing this article? If so, what did they say? The ladies seem nice. It’s an education channel. You owe it to them.
I think you stumbled pretty bad on this one.
This comment is bogus.
So Reptile Channel is asking for monthly support pledges to create content, yet supposedly they are an aggregator for other’s content. Two different, not very compatible business models. Shady explanation.
Supposedly it’s about taking care of neglected/injured reptiles. No mention of facility or personnel or a nonprofit for handling finances/taxes. No highlighting of animal names or stories, like rescues do to generate genuine interest in a mission using the content the mission provides. Shady lack of transparency.
Just a lot of talk about: “Reptile Channel is distinct from the vast majority of reptile content today in that we focus on the science of feeding. Carnivorous reptiles mostly.” A vague name for a very specific purpose unlike the other Reptile Channels. They say feeding, not rescue. Shady branding.
You can see with your own eyes the links in the piece demonstrating hiding sources. Supposedly a legit operation is using content from those sources that other informed viewers can see for themselves is abusive. Jonah has a long trail of protest about animal abuse and a legit operation just didn’t notice that before using it? They went right to Jonah to get his original without due diligence? Just for money? Shady lack of ethics.
This thing took off with Vore furries and Big Gulp as a launch pad. Patreon funder names are in the video credits. Not even any explanation about that here. Same for the Mexico connection same as Jonah’s.
The ladies seem nice. Yeah, that’s what hired guns are for. (What are their names?) Bullshit they’re the video makers. Bullshit to all this, it’s hiding a connection of spank material with animal abuse. You know who should be contacted is youtube about a banned maker coming back under false cover.
A number of mistakes here:
“The tipster” you used in this story named Tanookicatoon is actually a guy who gets off on RL vore. I’m not trying to sound mean here, but seriously, did you even read his furaffinity (to vet this guy) before writing this? Tanookicatoon calls it “nature vore”. Everyone else calls it what it is, pawing off to animals eating animals. You prop up a vore fetishest of RL animal snuff as an authority to your story?
Anyway hope you don’t think I’m busting your chops too much here. I do like your writings and I used to read them all the time. I’m in fursuit in couple of shots from a while ago. Btw I’d like to make a suggestion. The public associates furries with sex and I guess my point to all this is we might be more careful and not make everything about sex and fetish, like this piece you wrote, instead of writing the facts you made assumptions putting fetish where it probably doesn’t belong which the public already thinks we do anyway, based on a “tipster” who is a (hypocritical) RL vore fetishest, says so himself, and btw, he’s also widely known annoying deadbeat artist who doesnt finish commissions while taking in new ones. Not on Artists Beware I’d be surprised.
Keep up the good work otherwise.
I apologize for treating your comment as a troll in bad faith. If you’re in the community and have fursuiting photos around then that was uncool as an admin. (“David Blaine”, like the magician? OK… denying about a painstakingly linked relationship looked like expected spin.)
Alright, let’s back up for a regular debate. It’s OK to bust my chops. Firstly:
“That’s not Jonah’s channel. Reptile Channel is using some of his videos, because I recognize them, but most of the other videos aren’t his. I don’t know where they came from, but they’re not Jonah’s.”
It’s a huge jump from “they’re using some other videos and I don’t know whose,” – to – “I’m denying that’s the channel of a notorious maker of incredibly niche material, who’s linked to it by at least 5 flags of guilt.”
That’s 1) original material sourced from Jonah, 2) hiding the launch with Jonah’s microscopically-niche long-time userbase on Big Gulp, 3) hiding sources on Jonah’s site, 4) close coinciding timing for all that, 5) using clearly unethical material in the first place without attribution or professionally screening it. Can you name ANYONE who isn’t Jonah who ever mass-produced this niche stuff by crossing those ethical lines? What “rescue” or legit operation would use it?
You support the claim to be an education channel, that replaces transparency of a legit operation with an unmistakably intentional plausible-deniability cover. That impeaches their claim. The anon actresses are so stiff with reading off those cue cards, so who wrote the script? It’s a smokescreen, and I’ll stand by that. There’s just no benefit of the doubt here.
The authority is in the links, timing and other flags, not moral claims a guy is making about them. I don’t find it relevant to smear the tip source instead of the info. He said the same stuff as a trail of evidence all over the web for 10 years.
Corroboration here:
“I noticed this connection a long time ago. I was part of the group that got his original videos taken down many years ago. People like him need to be stamped out if our hobby is going to survive.”
OK, sorry for any sharp edge to this, it’s strictly debate here. Everyone has their own biases and I would not be surprised if harmless vore fans would wish to add spin or many other reasons to dispute. I’ll leave it up to the community to do anything else with it. The r/Reptiles group in the link treated this story as obvious and necessary. If you find further info that contradicts any of this I’m happy to update it.
Dave Blaine the ladies are vorephiles and also it’s not a educational channel you dumbass
Eductional channel? More like a channel that supports animal cruelty!
I’m not really familiar with the furry community, and I don’t touch vore with an eleven-and-a-half foot pole, but I’ve been involved in the reptile community for quite some time. Many years ago I remember being at the forefront of the group that worked very hard to get JonahVore’s original videos off the internet.
He had multiple videos of monitor lizards swallowing live baby rabbits, him stuffing a peeping chick into the gaping mouth of a python merely trying to swallow its previous meal. It was clear from the start that this was not merely feeding his pets. We set to work reporting his videos and harassing him on his various forums.
During this process, his greatest weapon against us was claiming that his videos were there for ‘educational purposes’. And to be honest, this new channel is an absolutely brilliant way to go about it. Hiring a delicate female voice to narrate the feedings like a documentary, is very convincing to one inexperienced with the scenario or reptiles in general.
But people like me who have kept reptiles all their lives notice when things are amiss. His animals are kept far too cold, and fed prey far too small. Reptiles will not bother killing small prey before swallowing because it is a waste of energy for what is, in nature, an animal that is very conservative of its energy reserves. And the lack of proper heating makes the reptile much less capable of swallowing the prey quickly.
I keep monitor lizards myself, and they are occasionally fed live prey, it is a very different ordeal when a healthy animal is involved. My animals will quickly and violently ensnare the rodent by the head and kill it (quite humanely I might add) within literal seconds. Healthy and properly heated animals don’t typically swallow prey alive. It is quite clear that JonahVore is specifically setting up these scenarios in order to prolong the swallowing of the rodent strictly for his sexual desires.
Not to mention that aside from the abuse of the prey items, his animals are not in good conditions either. His monitors are undoubtably having the worst of it, they are suffering without proper humidity, as they are from tropical climates and develop gout from chronic dehydration without proper humidity.
Either way, even if JonahVore is not behind this particular string of videos (which I’m almost certain he is), the fact remains: the posting of unethical and needlessly cruel videos are filling the pockets of an animal abuser.
I don’t stand for this, the reptile community doesn’t stand for this, and honestly neither should the vorephilliacs either. Fetishization of any act or behaviour should only be endorsed or allowed if it falls under the simple guidelines of ‘safe, sane, and consensual.’ And this sick twisted shit is far from it.
I’ve stumbled on Reptile Channel on youtube several times and finally had enough of this complete GARBAGE! Thank you for providing further information on this guy and his twisted views. Please visit my FB to see the general response, my business page has a large audience so we are making complaints to youtube to see if we can get this stuff removed.
I just wanted to give you guys a shout out for your efforts into exposing this creep. I noticed the connection early on when I saw that the Patreon banner image was also in Jonah’s FA gallery earlier (sadly, now deleted). I tried to contact the University of Guadalajara to hopefully try to get them to report the channel for misrepresenting their university but have been unsuccessful. I’ll be referring to this page now to help spread the word.
Jonah’s deleted FA gallery can be gotten, I think… I haven’t bothered, but there’s an archive.
In case you were wondering, this is the artist who made the orange dragon character in their channel, as well as the header for their Patreon.
The orange character is literally their fursona.
Here’s the header image,
Vorry is not Jonah thou. surely not.
I dont care what people say or who exactly its linked to, i just want someone to remove the channel because it just shows animals being dismembered, bleeding, screaming and crying in pain and all filmed with no censorship and only a few videos have age restrictions. Ive browsed the comments and people are literally saying how it turns them on to watch it and that its very enjoyable. If anyone disagrees there is tons of people bashing people for supporting animal rights. excuse it as nature all though it was created and filmed by a person who doesnt even acknowledge that people should click away or might not like it. The channel is promoting animal cruelty right under our noses. The thumbnails are disturbing on some of the worst videos. And people even suggest using bigger live animals in the feeding videos. Please stop hating on people who actually flag and try to remove it. An individual can only do so much but what matters is other people and how many. Even for people who find rats gross or birds lesser animals these videos are especially disturbing. The deaths arent fast theyre slow and awful and you can even hear the bones snapping of a live chicken including chicks while theyre screaming in pain.
April these people have a fetish called .The part where you mention that they enjoy this videos are sick in there heads
Apparently Youtube is now asking The Reptile Channel to participate in their new sponsorship program. >:-/ This just shows how greedy the company is and that they’d sooner promote animal cruelty to make more money than to shut down Jonah and his girlfriend’s sick and disgusting reptile channel. If Jonah were to die in a fire or car crash the good news couldn’t come too soon!
I’m sad to see the channel is still up, and the most popular vid has 11 million views now.
The people who like this channel have a fetish called, Also the people who say that it’s nature are dumbasses.If you report the channel YouTube doesen’t give a shit about that. This whore should be arrested and her reptiles to be taked away from her.
This is a battle you cannot win unfortunately those voraphiles will come at you with everything to put u in place, there’s another channel called (reptars rampage) i mean from the name alone we all know what that’s about, i honestly feel extremely sorry for the rats and mice that go through this shit…And what really kills me are the people that laugh enjoy and want more of this shit.
ITS NOT nature, in nature those monitors and snakes have predators of their own to worry about and prey animals have a chance of escaping, SOOO lets say for example if i bought a monitor and threw it in my leopards cage and uploaded it to youtube i would have the entire reptilian community up my ass flagging my shit calling me a cruel person but when a rat goes in there its totally ok and its nature, double standards as always….there is no fucking justifying it, you people who defend live feeding have a thing for small animals being devoured by lizards n snakes its a fetish….google it… vorarephilia
What I would do to a snake like this is shove two open bottles of AMONIA down it’s slimy throat. I don’t know why some of these masochist like showing these ugly snakes eating helpless animals. Just carry a good sharp machete and slice the ugleee snake’s head off. Snakes are not like dogs. They do not obey commands nor do can they cuddle up and be friendly. Kick back and kill is the only thing these uglee snakes., just whay are these idiots so fascinated by these deadly reptiles.
Hi please don’t hate animals for having instincts. Having people misuse them for their own thrills is the real problem here.
Your quite right . These people are typical American southern trash .
This monster named Ryan Ploof aka Reptars Rampage on Youtube needs to be reported to the authorities in Meza, Arizona and hopefully locked away in jail for torturing small animals in his sick cruelty videos!
Please sign and share to help make live feeding illegal and to put a stop to small animal cruelty!
Then you have this jerk who live feeds birds to their Tegu lizard who goes by the name of Golden Squad. Flag their videos here on Youtube as Animal Abuse.
There is another cruel creep going by the name Golden Squad who live feeds baby birds to his Tegu on Youtube.
Golden Squad is Rain Pearl from Kingman, Arizona.
There is a creep named Rian Pearl who goes by the name of Golden Squad on YouTube. He lives in Kingman, Arizona, though he may try to deny that it’s him, but proof of a snapshot from his YouTube e-mail has that listed as his name. His Facebook account shows which city and state he lives in too. This sociopath makes videos where he films videos of his tegu lizards and bearded dragons tag teaming and tearing apart mice and birds limb from limb for the fun of his viewers. Report his channel and videos for animal cruelty on YouTube and report him to the ASPCA and PETA!
Golden Squad changed his Youtube address.
Done ! I’m shocked this is on YouTube . I’ll have to block it now as my children have access . What kind of people do this ? Obviously southern trash . The female voice sounds and looks like someone out of a porn film. If you want to do this go to x rated rooms . I’m pretty disgusted with you tube and will be forwarding it to the standards committee . My wife works with a major news Corp so we will soon sort these trashy people out . Trump supporters no doubt . Killing and shooting ! So base
How very interesting . I’ve been monitoring the “ young lady “ who attempts to voice over this dreadfully cheap and pointless , let alone violent for children , videos . As a Dr it’s obvious that the young lady is obviously what one would call ratter common. I believe they’re known as trailer trash . I’m not religious but I do believe things go around . Nasty attracts nasty. Obviously a lot of it is set up and rather unhealthy for all involved including predators . I suggest the young woman takes to stripping etc and I do hope she’s sterile and can’t have children . What awful people .
Two new photos of Jonah Vore have now been posted.
News. In October of 2021 YouTube was Fined for Profiting on Animal Cruelty. Thx YouTube FOR FUCKING THIS UP!
Update!! The Reptile Channel is Inactive. The Last time They were Active was 2 Years Ago.
Thanks, I had not checked. OMG, I see they tried to do a cringey “takedown” on New England Reptile, the one that exposed them! So shameless!