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Furries love anthropomorphism: animals who act like people. It’s in everything from Disney cartoons to werewolf movies and cyberpunk fiction. These fans flock to conventions 15,000 strong, where they flaunt millions worth of independent art. Want a look inside their fandom?

DOGPATCH PRESS has been reporting Furry News since 2012, was voted Best Magazine 6 times in the fandom’s Ursa Major Awards, and is a source to outlets like Rolling Stone, the L.A. Times, Vice, and Newsweek. Exclusive news here inspired the true crime podcast series Fur and Loathing with Guardian journalist Nicky Woolf, uncovering the cold case of one of America’s most significant chemical terror attacks.

  • “One of the most tenacious investigative reporters I’ve ever met” – Nicky Woolf
  • “One of the community’s main news and reportage sites”Daily KOS
  • “A popular hub for discussion of furry issues”The Daily Dot
  • “A prominent furry news blogger” – Forbes

Here you can read 1200+ articles, reviews, interviews, and investigations. Expect a personal voice with love for pop culture, sharp-clawed opinions to dig out the truth, and a nose for news with tail wagging fun. It’s free for the love of it, to spread the news of why furries have one of the most creative subcultures around.

Topics (see also Special Features and Top Articles):

  • Subcultural history. Roots in 1970’s underground comics, science fiction fandom, and myths since time began.
  • Mainstream notice and crossover. In the headlines and on the street.
  • Who’s who. Volunteers or superfans, they all do it with dogged DIY spirit.
  • Creators and makers. Writing, art, animation, costuming, dance and music.
  • Indie business. For love as much as money.
  • Freaky cool. Trash, punk, kink, comedy, and WTF happenings.
  • Things in the same dogpark. Nature, fashion, theater, psychology, Sasquatches.
  • Identity and the Furry Condition. Why do people go wild for it?

GUEST WRITERS, REVIEWERS, AND PRESS RELEASES: You can submit stories for hosting as a public service. Any length is OK, and try to include photos/videos. Ask to promote something, get editing help, volunteer to get a project, or just send it in.



PATCH O’FURR (Founder): a fabulous husky dog who made the site to be like an ideal 1990’s zine. He has been a media speaker and performer, and organizer for events of several hundred furries. Street fursuiting is his favorite way to express the subculture. His other fursona is a punk rat in a vest that says Rat Race Dropout. In decades of self employment he has run a sales business and been a pro animator, art and bicycle instructor, and active with local government and nonprofit orgs.

FRED PATTEN (1940-2018) – Furry’s favorite historian and reviewer, “considered one of the main founders of the furry fandom.” Fred was an honored contributor to sources like Cartoon Research, lead by Jerry Beck (president of The International Animated Film Society.) For several years this site gave him a home as a disabled elder to stay up front in fandom.

PUP MATTHIAS (Contributing Editor): Part of Furry fandom since 2009. He does a weekly book review show, Bookworm Reviews for books of all shapes and sizes. What he cares about most is that you have a nice day.

In the media:





David Farrier is journalist for Dark Tourist on Netflix and the documentary Tickled



Robert Evans is a conflict journalist who does the Worst Year Ever and Behind the Bastards podcasts







  • CollegeHumor and the Ursa Major Awards:  CollegeHumor picked Dogpatch Press for exclusive news of the animated series Furry Force. Patch nominated it for the furry community’s Ursa Major award. It led CollegeHumor to lobby for votes, bringing unprecedented traffic to the award. Some fans were critical of being parodied, but award organizers praised the outside notice for what furries like. Furry Force won, beating My Little Pony for an upset victory. Writer Adam Conover said “What better honor is there for comedy writers, than for the community that you are making fun of to give you an award for how much they love what you made?”  Patch appeared as a cameo in episode 3.
  • Splitsider: How the Furry Community Embraced CollegeHumor’s Furry-Lampooning ‘Furry Force’. “Popular furry blogger, Patch O’Furr, recently nominated the series for The Ursa Major Award for Best Dramatic Series or Short Work.” – Sydney Parker


More Love and fandom


  • “What is “furry fandom,” you may ask? I’m not quite sure how to describe it, even though the phenomenon has attracted growing media coverage. Best you visit Dogpatch Press and explore “furry fandom” for yourself.” – Michael Barrier (author of Hollywood Cartoons: American Animation in Its Golden Age)
  • “Very diverse material, from newly published books, to important fandom news.” – Jesus Fox Forgives Your Yiffs
  • “Dogpatch.Press has always been a source of inspiration… an invaluable resource for our community. ” – Culturally F’d
  • “Dogpatch Press did an amazing investigative job on this one. They’re a regular Woofward and Barkstein!” – Furry Buzzfeed
  • “Awesome blog! It’s real! I’m a fan of Furry and everything that has to do with the subculture.” Hunter Fox (author of A Billionaire Dinosaur Forced Me Gay.)
  • “Patch O’Furr… defanged prejudices or assumptions about the Furry community, and was cautious to not speak for the entirety of his tribe… It was insightful to see, with levity firmly intact.” – Courting Comedy

How do you “end up” in charge of a site you started?

HOW FURRY NEWS WORKS. Many furry news sources have briefly risen in the fractured online landscape, a few catch on for a brief time, and then they fizzle for lack of any other incentive besides personal interest. Like all news, anything critical can be harshly judged for interfering with the status quo; and the landscape is littered with forgotten attempts at replacing true interest. Some who have or do make a mark include: Flayrah, Culturally F’d, Furrymedia, Fur Media, Furry.TodayInFurNation, Gaming Furever, and Furry Stammtische. (Check the Furry News twitter list.) Thanks to all guests, Patrons, and helpers. Check our banner gallery to see all the artists who have helped us. For more about what Dogpatch Press does and why, here’s a long Q&A. 

CONTENT POLICY: Dogpatch Press reserves all rights for editors and admins. See link for requests to modify site content.