Do you like Scooby snacks? The first time I ate a weed cookie was at a Really Really Free Market. That’s a swap meet seasoned with radical/hippie idealism. People who love principles of mutual aid get together and trade crap they don’t need with others who want it. It keeps stuff out of the dump and helps people without money. It’s a place to score old books, music or some wiggy threads. They may have potluck food or dumpster dived treasure. Or both at once. (I once lived for two years with Freeganism – oh the stories I have.) And you might score weed (for adults where it’s legal, of course.)
The meet was in a 5th floor artist loft full of good music and fun people. There was a spread of free cookies with a sign to beware of overmedicating. I took one and nibbled a corner. Nothing happened so I went whole hog. Then it happened… oh boy it happened.
My personal pile of treasure was all donated, so I took the exit to the twilight zone. On the way down the stairs, I turned a corner and suddenly they weren’t going down… they were going up. What the heck!? I continued to fumble my way out while a faint satanic chanting emanated from behind the doors. Somehow I found the street and got home. I sat down and time-traveled. When I looked up, I realized that I forgot to shut the front door. And there was a hooker in my living room (it was that kind of neighborhood). She asked for a ride, so I told her to try one of those cookies for a real trip.
I wish there was a way to travel to a world full of furries. That would make some amazing blogging for you. But you can make it happen where you live. The coolest thing about this fandom is how it’s so DIY. It’s like a sandbox for whatever you want to make of it. If you live anywhere that has furries within petting distance, try getting together with them to throw cool events.
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