The end of Rocky Mountain Fur Con didn’t cure the problem that caused it.
by Patch O'Furr
Article series: 1) Original story about RMFC – 2) A false rumor – 3) Interview with the Chair.
There’s a tumor in the community. It killed Rocky Mountain Fur Con. Look no further than the “Furry Raiders” and their leader “Foxler”, who calls himself “The Hitler of Furry Fandom“. They hide behind a false front of acceptance, using regular people to help them play innocent while lying about themselves and their beliefs.
There’s a lot of denial about what’s going on. Recently, that includes a confession that Foxler paid to join a real neo-nazi group, wants to wear a swastika, and threatened RMFC itself. Not-nazis don’t do that. That’s the long and short of it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s sincere or a game. It makes them either neo-nazis or two-faced liars about it. Either way is indefensible and incompatible with a creative fandom. (Keep in mind how historical nazis were toxic to art).