The end of Rocky Mountain Fur Con didn’t cure the problem that caused it.
by Patch O'Furr
Article series: 1) Original story about RMFC – 2) A false rumor – 3) Interview with the Chair.
There’s a tumor in the community. It killed Rocky Mountain Fur Con. Look no further than the “Furry Raiders” and their leader “Foxler”, who calls himself “The Hitler of Furry Fandom“. They hide behind a false front of acceptance, using regular people to help them play innocent while lying about themselves and their beliefs.
There’s a lot of denial about what’s going on. Recently, that includes a confession that Foxler paid to join a real neo-nazi group, wants to wear a swastika, and threatened RMFC itself. Not-nazis don’t do that. That’s the long and short of it. It doesn’t matter whether it’s sincere or a game. It makes them either neo-nazis or two-faced liars about it. Either way is indefensible and incompatible with a creative fandom. (Keep in mind how historical nazis were toxic to art).
Colorado fur Crummles says:
“I’ve seen the Raiders go way out of their way to antagonize people. Specifically Foxler and (partner) Kody. They’ve shown up places they know they’re banned from, refused to do simple requests, like take down a picture, they have a habit of publicly saying one thing, then through actions or through private conversations they do the opposite. After antagonizing people, Foxler will turn around and play the victim. Or he’ll ask how to improve the Raiders image, and when people say something simple, like “ditch the arm band” he’ll completely change the subject, along the lines of “Stop telling me to not be myself!” As a result of his rhetoric and victim complex, he attracts a LOT of super far right people to his inner circle.”
Colorado fur Boiler says:
“The craziest thing is how they continue to deny they have literally done nothing wrong. Foxler and Kody specifically. They refuse to change their behavior and act like screaming chimps when you show proof of their bad behavior. They’ve bullied, they’ve assaulted, they’ve doxxed, they’ve intimidated and they’ve influenced the Colorado community in an exceptionally negative way. They put on this rainbow supportive huggy front, which is absolutely a sham. If you decide to decline their (awful) company for ANY meet, they throw a shit fit and come after you.”
Remember when RMFC 2016 was dragged down by what staff called their “obscenely unfair behavior“? Still, Raiders were on staff and the con wouldn’t dislodge them. They couldn’t even ban a single bad apple. There were diplomatic explanations about it, leading to feedback like this:
@BoozyBarrister @DogpatchPress "No, I don't think excising the group everyone has problems with would solve everything." Yes, it would have.
— Flynnja (@FlynnRausch) April 25, 2017
The Furry Raiders split the community in 2016 (before anyone like Deo spoke up). Of course, when RMFC died the community didn’t magically come together. There’s a persistent problem that won’t go away until there’s accountability.
Credibility and trust reached an all-time low with collusion between Furry Raiders, RMFC’s CEO Kahuki, and board member Scorch. The RMFC story is the big one, but here are a few extra signs of why people are on edge about leadership.
A Colorado Furries meet announcement invited teenagers to enjoy porn at a sex offender’s house. On Facebook, Kahuki has been sharing monthly parties hosted with Scorch at the address Kahuki lists for his sex offender registry page. They’re welcoming teenagers with astonishing language about porn and age of consent. (Since when do parties advertise that?)
— Spacebat (@MC_Spacebat) April 26, 2017
Who went to that party 5 days after RMFC closed? (There’s also video of Foxler and Kahuki being buds at RMFC 2016).
A house resident speaks. This FA note was sent to Deo about experience of living with Scorch. I spoke to this person to verify it is their story, with permission to share. This is shared as context about leadership.
Do these give you an impression of professional, trustworthy leadership? Or does it explain how the Furry Raiders were allowed to do so much antagonizing? Many furs are fed up, and now they’re working to build a new con, take charge of their meets, and make a better community.
Colorado fur Crummles says:
“In my opinion, the best way to deal with Foxler and the raiders is to shine a spotlight on their terrible views and opinions. Call them out when you see their bullshit and spread the knowledge of their awful behavior. Until they change they are going to be a problem, and ignoring them keeps people ignorant and doesn’t let the community put pressure on them to be less awful. They’ll just fester and grow like a mold if they are ignored.
Ideally they would just… change. Even a little. Admit to mistakes, antagonize people less, and make an earnest attempt to improve their image and faults. If they did that maybe they could be more accepted and less of a detriment to the community, because right now they are a face of the fandom to the outside, and it’s a face that the rest of the fandom doesn’t want associated with them. Although at this point it’s an effort that Foxler is unwilling to make.”
Colorado fur Boiler says:
“I’m currently monitoring the situation, and working with friends to find appropriate solutions. There will always be those in this community who refuse to see how problematic these individuals actually are. Not everyone under the Raider banner is a total prick, but they are definitely led by an ugly, hateful individual that speaks for all of them when he speaks. I think if we all banded together and created meets where the Raiders weren’t welcome, the allure would diminish. Being a social pariah is fun for about five minutes until you realize you can’t see your friends and the friends you have made are all negative, shit-spewing asshole trolls just like you, which is miserable in the long term.
I really want to see this community thrive. I don’t want to see us separated, but toxic individuals who think it’s funny to be hateful really shouldn’t have a place in our community. I’ve been in the fandom 22 years now. I’ve seen a lot. Our community was based on acceptance, not fear and trolling. Foxler and Kody have created a group in which everyone is welcome, even pedophiles and zoophiles and racists – essentially giving them a built-in “in-crowd”. A lot of them are young, and ignorant, and angry. I know how people need to seek acceptance – but we don’t have to tolerate trolling, hatespeech, and toxic behavior in our fandom (like the awful Burned Furs movement). I think people are realizing that, and I think where we need to go from here is making sure our community is healthy, and happy, and not full of racists and trolls who do nothing but spread fear and negativity.
Saying ‘no’ is just as healthy and important as saying ‘yes’.”
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I was using ‘Kylie’ on flayrah. a furry raider, and sunreaver, named Perri Rhoades/Perri Prinz was on there defending the raiders (even so much as it seems that (s)he was acting as the leader of the group.
I had made a couple of comments and to prove that I had an “identity to destroy” (s)he proceeds to post my facebook–my private one with my birth name (for the record: I’m transgender but due to family i can’t transition and use the facebook to communicate with family) and my amazon author page that was under my birth name.
One of her friends then proceeds to post my twitter page, then one of Flayrah’s contributors, while not logged into his account, proceeds to post my NEW twitter page.
I’ve asked Flayrah twice now to take them down, emailing the owner directly twice. A mutual contact also tried to contact them only to get that the mutual contact shouldn’t post other people’s private info, and that doxing isn’t illegal, and that “security through obscurity isn’t security at all.” and that they wouldn’t remove the comments.
I’ve since removed flayrah from my bookmarks, won’t be using wikifur anymore and will stick to only dogpatch for my furry news (once I have the money you’ll be getting Paetron as much as possible from me)
that’s how far these people go. Now, I don’t care about attacking ME. But I do post pictures of my nephew and my pets on facebook.
but that’s how far the Raiders will go to silence people. I had to change my fursona, name I use online, etc.
Good afternoon. I Sonious from Flayrah. Thank you for sharing you concerns regarding the comment made by Perri
I believe that while it is important to promote free expression and to minimize censorship, the comment in question has intent that runs counter to the goal as a community.
I will look into discussing these concerns with my peers in order to create a solution to prevent the dissemination of personal information with the intent of intimidation or harassment.
Note that there may be some difficulty in defining such a line for Perri could counterclaim that you name dropped their SL group of Sunwavers with perhaps similar intentions
So one has to decide what is personal info that is non public facing and what is.
I will let you know if any updates turn up. If we do impliment a change in commenting policy. It will be made public. Currently it is very freeform. This would probably be the first rule for commenters at all.
Just saw this, it was hanging unapproved for some reason. I’ll let Fzygal know.
since Patch won’t take my comment out of moderation (not a real shock anymore. i’ve abandoned the furry fandom now), i’ll say this.
your comment doesn’t line up with the comments at Flayrah.
how could she coutnerclaim anything when your comment with my facebook information comes 6 days BEFORE i EVER mentioned the Sunreavers?
I’m just pointing out that the Sunweaver stuff is linked to most articles online about Perri Prinz. I saw it when I looked him up initially after seeing his tweets weeks ago. Also, tying a guild in Second Life to an online handle is NOT the same as tying a handle to a real life name.
Either way, thank you for looking into this 🙂 I was honestly thinking of following Flayrah regularly until all this, but honestly, I’m going to stay away until that policy changes. Free speech, even if that person puts your personal info online? Yeah, no thanks.
Also, thank you Patch and co for staying on top of all of this 🙂 You’ve done a fantastic job.
yeah, i’ve given up on the fandom as a whole out of concern for safety of my family and my pets.
Hugs to you! I really hope everything is alright. I’m sorry that you were targeted that way. I saw that thread as well. Hope you feel comfortable and safe enough to return soon.
I’m so sorry that happened to you. Flayrah is run by GreenReaper, who’s notorious in his own right for “Ultimately your wish to feel safe does not trump my wish to feel honest” in response to potentially outing transgender individuals.
I wish I could be surprised.
Sorry to hear, and I wasn’t expecting things in the article to be confirmed so fast like that. Thanks for reading and do comment about how things go.
I’ve been following the surreal discussion over there and all I can think of it is that is she displays obvious symptoms of delusional disorder. Very sorry that you ended up being targeted.
GreenReaper’s done some transphobic shit in the past, like persistently misgendering people on Flayrah. And now outing and doxxing someone?
There isn’t a “furry community” worth being a part of when everyone’s okay with this shit. But then, they’re okay with the Furry Raiders too, so whatever.
You asked me stuff in private message but also in a public comment so I’ll reply here. Flayrah didn’t do doxing and Greenreaper isn’t to blame. That was Perri, a “furry raider” who has never contributed a story to Flayrah, and has a well-earned lowest user rating on the site at this time. Green could ban her of course, but the long standing policy of the site is not to do that and let user ratings tell the truth, and let her damn herself with her own words. Tolerating her presence is like having the Westboro Baptist Church in your town. Instead of muzzling them you show them to be wrong assholes. They screech about free speech so much, let them out themselves for what they are.
A while back I noticed some gossipy stuff about Green taking a rare stubborn position in some argument. I think we’ve all gotten heated at some point, but I believe that’s out of character. He’s incredibly chill in internet flamewar situations and often shuts them down. I haven’t seen any evidence he goes out of his way to comment about trans issues or that you have anything to worry about (let me know if that changes). I believe you’d have 100% free reign to submit stories, comment on his site or dispute him. (I take guest posts too) 🙂 I think that’s the appropriate response. Maybe you would find a need to persuade him, but I don’t suspect malice or dishonesty. For that, look at the Furry Raiders. The community is NOT OK with them.
Welll….er Green does own some blame, Patch.
I could email you but I’ll say it here.
I sent two emails to him directly asking him to remove the comments in questions (I even have the links to the comments) including one from one of Flayrah’s own contributors (who wasn’t logged into his account), Equivamp, who posted my second twitter account because he felt that a “public” account wasn’t private. Nevermind that I didn’t give it out to anyone.
So a friend of mine that happens to be on Anthrocon staff and knew Green even got involved. Green told them that he wouldn’t remove the comments because “security through obscurity wasn’t security at all.”
So the friend asked again:
Friend: What is your stance on doxing?
GR: Security through obscurity is no security at all.
Friend I don’t think it’s acceptable to post others’ account information without their permission.
Especially when it’s private information you can’t simply ‘find’ by searching.
GR: That’s cool. You should probably not do that then.
Friend: Yeah, I don’t. But I know someone who’s had their information posted on Flayrah
GR: Sorry, by “that’s cool” I was trying to indicate that I didn’t really care what you thought. I guess I should have made that more obvious.
Friend You really should care. It’s illegal.
GR: No, it really isn’t. But if you’re going to pester me about this, when I have other stuff tgo do, goodbye
problem is, doxing IS illegal. But that’s where it stands. I’ve contacted the site host twice as well, the second time getting to the point that I said I’d have to get into contact with a lawyer eventually. Green at that point blocked my friend and moved on. I haven’t heard back once per my emails. (which, Patch if you’d like I could gladly share with you.)
Oh, and in direct response to me, he did post
I don’t think it’s actually illegal, (under what law?) and I think GR is adhering to the site’s long-standing policy. Would I refuse to take it down, heck no. He may be standing firm on the site’s policy because you spent a long time going back and forth on it and he doesn’t want to take sides. I don’t know why. But I can say there is consistency here. Foxler tried to argue removal of his personal info from Wikifur but it is there. With that in mind, I have to bow out of judging – it’s his site and not my place to run it. I have to say your opinion is clear and it’s better to stick to the article topic rather than Flayrah policy here. And you may even have civil grounds to have Perri confronted by a lawyer. But, Perri won’t be doing any of that shit here.
Kylie, I believe you have your timeline mixed up here–I posted your Twitter account before Perri revealed (who is also trans) revealed your deadname, because at the time you were using that Twitter account to *make the same comments you were making at Flayrah*, and I had no reason to believe it was something you’d want private because 1) it wasn’t locked, and I found it just by searching “flayrah”, 2) you were making identical comments so I assumed you were attempting to be recognized. Both of which I think were fair assumptions and does not constitute doxing because it wasn’t attached to any of your real-world info. (And I would have taken it down upon request had I been logged in when making the comment, but I wasn’t so I couldn’t.)
Perri posted your real world info. I did not. You’d do well to refrain from making comments about the situation far and wide online if you’re really contacting a lawyer to litigate it, though.
Ignoring that for two seconds.
you posted your comment at Fri 21 Apr 2017 – 07:06
she posted hers Fri 21 Apr 2017 – 01:52
so again, don’t lie.
and i said I contacted a lawyer. I never said what came of it, but thank you again for not minding your own business.
Ignoring that for two seconds.
you posted your comment at Fri 21 Apr 2017 – 07:06
she posted hers Fri 21 Apr 2017 – 01:52
further, your idea that you posted before her is ridiculous because yours is a REPLY to hers!
OK guys, settle down please, I’m moderating this thread. No more on this topic please. I don’t care who said what when or what the disagreement is. Why? Because whatever was going on in that flood of verbal diarrhea on Flayrah, it was toxic and I spared my eyes the waste of reading it. And it was Perri’s fault. I’m gonna leave it like that.
Holy shit on a shingle, thank you for posting this article.
Like Boiler said, not all Raiders are bad people, and yet you’re projecting that image onto them. Foxler and Kody are not good people, I will not argue that. I will also stay quiet on the Scorch drama due to… Personal beliefs. But I won’t stand for you guys beating down the entire group based on a few sick individuals in administration.
I think it’s widely guilt by association. I’m not in Colorado and really only started paying attention when I saw it in the news, but it’s more than just Kody and Foxler. I can also say that it’s not every member of the raiders, but bad behavior speaks volumes for the group in a lot of cases. That’s what people see first. Also, I think that the local Furry Raiders are a lot more poorly behaved than the rest of the online guild.
That’s what I see them as – a guild. I’ve been in MMOs for a very, very long time. When the guild leadership acts like toe-hairs, the rest of us gquit and go play in a different sandbox. I mean, we try to talk to them first, but if nothing changes? We go play elsewhere.
I don’t know if you play WoW or LoL or anything else, but typically, when a guild is notorious for crappy behavior, everyone that carries a tag gets that association.
I’m sorry that you’re frustrated, but there’s a lot of frustration going around lately. Just hope you’re able to find some peace.
No. You do not get that luxury. This isn’t a situation where you can say #notallraiders. If you are a raider, you are joined under the leadership of foxler. It’s his ‘movement.’
You can’t say that he doesn’t represent you, because if you are a raider, he DOES represent you. Being a raider is implicitly agreeing to have him as your representative.
I would regard any group that fails to boot out bad influences and horrible people as “a bad group”. If the Raiders would actually kick out bad actors—neo-Nazis, sex offenders, general all-around assholes—the group might have a better reputation. Ignoring these issues or hoping they will be forgotten does nothing to fix the root of the problem, which is the Raiders being all but taken over by people whose specific values do not match those expressed by the group in general.
this ^ times a billion.
The group was made by Foxler and saying “the whole group isn’t like that” is a very dishonest dodge to avoid accountability. If Jared wants a healthy group, there’s no reason to keep calling it Furry Raiders at all. There already is such a group, it’s called furry fandom. He should get better friends in it because there’s no need to let trolls use you for attention.
Ah, but Patches…darling, the Furry Raiders only want their brand of the fandom. Trust me. I dealt with one Perri Rhoades and (s)he kept talking about “our furry fandom” like (s)he was Hit..or well, as I said over there:
I noticed that Perri uses the same phrasing as Scorch when they speak of “our fellow furs” and i couldn’t figure out where i heard it before, then it hit me.
Only those who are our fellow countrymen can become citizens. Only those who have German blood, regardless of creed, can be our countrymen. Hence no Jew can be a countryman.
or to use the original 1920s NSDAP language
“Only those who are our fellow Germans (volksgenosse) shall be citizens of our state.”
Also possibly stop using the term “Raider” which is in the context they are using it is more that 4chan troll bullshit.
If Foxler and Kody are not good people, then you should stop defending them.
> Like Boiler said, not all Raiders are bad people, and yet you’re projecting that image onto them. Foxler and Kody are not good people, I will not argue that.
Here’s the thing: when you identify yourself as a supporter of a political movement, you’re giving away power to that movement to represent what you stand for to the rest of the world. You might have your own opinion about what the movement should stand for, but that doesn’t mean anyone else, either inside or outside the movement, is necessarily going to agree that your opinion about what the movement stands for is correct. And particularly when it comes to people like Foxler and Kody who are leaders of an entire movement, there’s no way you can possibly argue that they don’t have far more power to decide what the movement as a whole stands for than you do (and the same principle can be applied again on a larger scale: there’s no way Foxler and Kody can possibly argue that historical leaders of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party and leaders of large-scale white nationalist groups don’t have far more power to decide what the symbology of those groups stand for than anyone in Furry Raiders does.) Foxler and Kody are in a position that is always going to lead people, both inside and outside the group, to look to them for examples of what the group stands for long before they hear any opinions from Joe Random Furry Who Hangs Out With A Few Raiders On Second Life Sometimes.
People have often told me I’m extremely cynical about political movements, but the truth is, I judge the merit of all political movements by one standard, which is simple, consistent, and incontestably fair. The one standard by which I judge all political movements is what sort of person I would have to become in order to agree with all the assertions that movement makes about the world. Granted, I am also a cat, and we’re not usually known for being joiners, but that is the only standard my conscience will allow me to use to judge the merit of political movements, because I realize that if I declare my support for a movement, that doesn’t mean I get to pick and choose which positions the rest of the movement is allowed to use my name as support for. They will always take my support as support for the entire movement, and present it to the world as such.
And Foxler has ensured that, if I were to call myself a supporter of Furry Raiders, the sort of statements for which my support would be taken as an endorsement, whether I was willing to acknowledge that fact or not, are statements like “I hate black people, I would rally for [the KKK] anyday” and “In my world Fox McCloud is Hitler and all those Bronies Fans Boi (My Little Pony) are the Jews.. Yes they must burn, all of them.. Hahah!”. (Frankly, I’m becoming increasingly uncertain that Foxler’s political beliefs are really more offensive than his illiteracy.) I would be supporting someone who signs his name “Foxler the Hitler of Furry Fandom”, and who then insists that the name “Foxler” really came from “Fox Miller”, and expects everyone else around him to lie and say he never said the things that they know he said. (That’s actually another big sticking point for me: how can I allow anyone to use my name to support ideas that they themselves obviously don’t believe in?)
Some people might say they only support Furry Raiders because they want to volunteer at cons, or make items for people on Second Life, or go out with some friends and see Zootopia. That doesn’t necessarily mean they’re lying; it may well be true that they never intended to endorse any political agenda. But the biggest obstacle in the way of that argument is always going to be Foxler and Kody themselves, because they are not going to uphold the idea that their movement is about any of those things. They are just going to use people’s names and people’s reputations as support for their own insanity. And it can’t be worth it to allow them to use your name and your reputation, because whatever good you would wish to do in the world, you don’t need Foxler or Furry Raiders to do it. If you want to volunteer at cons, or you want to make items on Second Life, or you want to organize a group to go and see Zootopia, you can just do those things. It’s not just that groups like Furry Raiders are unworthy of your support. You don’t need Furry Raiders. You don’t need any mass movement. You don’t need to follow Brian.
And, as Fzygal brought up above, if I was to support Furry Raiders, I would also be supporting people who believe in doxxing as a force for positive social change. So much for any argument Furry Raiders could ever hope to make, then, that they are any better, or any different, from the SJWs that they are so eager to hold up as a shield for their idiocy. (Oh, wait, I’ve got an idea: maybe they should try saying it couldn’t possibly have been one of them that did anything like that, it must have been all the trolls and all the haters that just want to make them look bad, and that are always making them have to assault organizers of furmeets in self-defense! Because as everyone knows, doxxing is always done by people who *don’t* support doxxing in hopes that it will make people who *do* support doxxing look bad!)
(All sarcasm aside, that’s actually the best heuristic you can use right there: if you ever find yourself worrying that people are making your beliefs look bad by behaving as if those beliefs were true, it’s time you should do some serious soul-searching about what you believe.)
While I can’t disagree with the term ‘tumor’ in the opening of this article, I’m not sure I can agree to the context it represents. I’m not sure sure there’s something to cut out or ‘cure’ from the fandom, anymore than it can be cut from society outside it.
The so-called Third Reich was destroyed and its dictators killed, tried, or driven to suicide in 1945 and the trials after. However, and unfortunately, Nazism has never fully left. The ideals live on in the underbelly of society, and somehow turn up from another continent, across the Atlantic.
Like the ideals, some people are much the same. In the image above showing the meetup after the RMFC cancellation, look no further than “Mayday.” I’m 32, but over 12 years ago, I recognized him at MFF 2005 as someone I went to High School with in Indiana. I can’t claim any personal beef with him, but he made local meetups uncomfortable, and was the eventual subject of a temporary ban from MFF, and the reason for an early spoken furry meme, “Who gave Mix a ride?”
I use him as an example that every group is going to have its repeat, toxic individuals. While it’s possible the Furry Raiders could cause trouble in other places or cons, no other con that I know of is chaired by a Raider, Sovereign Citizen, convicted felon or Nazi. The bulk of the fandom, argumentative and triggered as it is lately, rejects their ideals and will not tolerate their crap.
Absolutely. Cancer comes from within, it’s your own body mutating. It’s not others, it is us. “Tumor” was characterizing behavior. Like you said, a con with collusion between the owner and people antagonizing the entire community is incredibly bizarre and toxic. But rather than cutting out people it’s enough to say “cut out the crap” right to them. The fact that they refuse is why it’s news. When they’re abandoned by all but other toxic trolls then it won’t be fun any more and it will stop. There’s that or just cutting out the crap.
I am not going to discuss much as I know, after meeting several times with different furs, I’m deeply concerned for my own meets and I don’t wish to discuss who I am what I do. I am not the kind of fur that sides with anyone, but this concerns myself and so many other furs.
Sometimes it’s not possible to stay neutral and it’s good for everyone to take the right side. Hope these creeps leave you alone.
“The penalty good men pay for indifference to public affairs is to be ruled by evil men.”
Awful people depend on the indifference of regular, everyday people to either passively accept or actively avoid talking about the awful people. This is how they seep into everyday life and become normalised.
Only by taking a stand do we shake off our indifference—and become better people for it. Only by standing in the face of these horrible people and telling them “this is the line and you do not get to cross it” do we show them that they are unwelcome in our community.
I know who you are. You need to take a firm stance. I know you have old loyalties. People change though. Be firm. No raiders at your meets. Period. There is a reason your recent meets have been lacking in attendance, and it’s raider related.
I would also like to point out that not everyone pictured on furry raiders social media pages are affiliated with the group. They routinely post group images of local events and portray them so as to imply that everyone in the picture supports them or is part of the raiders. They do this probably to try and make themselves appear larger then they are.
I know of a number of Colorado furs that have asked them to take pictures off their twitter to no effect. I also believe that people fear retribution for confronting the raiders, myself included, to get images taken down.
Anyways I support outlets like Dogpatch press for informing everyone about the raiders and the problems they are causing the fandom, but I would respectfully request that it be noted that not everyone pictured on the raiders’ social media pages is affiliated with or supports the group (probably most of the people in their pictures don’t).
I’m aware, and won’t post pictures like that without trying to find out more about the situation. Thanks for looking out!
Holy f***ing s**t that event advertisement is creepy. “Hey, this event is totally not for sex but just letting you know we’ll be watching porn and the age of consent here is 15 or even lower! ;;;-D”
Beats me how anybody in their right mind would let people who organize events like that come anywhere near the board of a major convention. More and more proof of the frightening incompetence and detachment from reality of the former RMFC directors board keeps piling on.
Glad you noticed – the denialism about this is astonishing. As if things can be just explained away or swept under the rug by attacking others. But I think the majority of everyone who sees this aren’t like that and can tell when something is just FUBAR.
I can’t believe you who have accused me about being view concuss are producing articles that have no basis in fact. I have to ask was any of your so called witnesses were actually there? Or have you spoken to anyone other than con staff on what really had taken place. If you have you know most of what you said is utter nonsense. Is it possible you are creating something out of nothing to increase your numbers?
dude, you posted an article by Perri Rhoades without disclosing that she was a member of the furry raiders, proceed to slam “SJWs” and then claim to get threatened with legal action by flayrah.
do you really have a leg to stand on at this point?
I’ll answer that. No, he doesn’t, and hasn’t bothered to do basic research like clicking over to the front page and noticing the freaking chair of the con was nice enough to spend time talking with me. Or the quotes from some of the 30+ CO furs who have allowed me to interview and break news from them.
After being called out by FurPlanet for blatant copyright violation on your own site, you refused to accept any responsibility and instead went on a little jihad about the Furry Writers’ Guild, blaming us for being the big terrible baddies by saying, “Hey, dude, you can’t post things other people have written on your site without permission.” And you know what? If you’d spent maybe five minutes looking up what “fair use” means, you’d know what you were doing wasn’t it.
So you know, it’s really incredible that you’re accusing anyone else of making up thingsto drive views to their web site. What articles has Furry Times run on this that aren’t just opinion pieces? Did you vet anything Perri said, or just take it all at face value? Because it sure looks to me like you’ve decided that being the “news site” that tales the opposite side from Dogpatch and Flayrah is good counterprogramming. You can be the official “news” site of the Furry Raiders!
And I’m sure you’ve gotten permission from B. Kliban’s estate to keep posting those cartoons, right?
I actually wrote an email to him about that.
he didn’t vet it at all. he just allowed Perri to post what (s)he wanted to post.
Thanks Watts. I saw that and it’s a long standing pattern of that guy trying to get in good with some group, getting cold shoulder/tossed out, and not having a clue why. He’s the common denominator every time of course. You know what they say about repeating things and expecting different results. He even got mad when another publisher told him his whole site was “a series of repeated mistakes”.
We know about ripping off content from others for spam reposting. There’s only a modest fraction of original (poorly cited) content on that site. It was 8 years established but google ranks it as spam.
I was being nice enough not to share the stunt he tried when he came pandering for attention from me. But what the heck? You might enjoy knowing how obvious it was before I even saw the FWG stunt. It was a pretense about having an amazing secret story about the real perpetrator of the MWFF chlorine thing getting arrested. No records of course, “a friend” said so, and I was supposed to go WOW. I asked for proof and, color me astonished, there was only a bullshit runaround. If you’re going to lie as a genius tactic to pander for views, make sure to cook up some fake evidence first, someone might ask to see it!
I sent him some advice about what not to do, like only quoting excerpts of other’s content. The very nicest thing I could say now is the best way he could save face is to avoid shilling for trolls.
Jesus Fursuiting Christ, these creeps are even more batsh*t than I first thought. They need to be kicked out of the fanddom ASAP
Sufficient homework has not been done on this topic. Whether or not the Furry Raiders are the monsters they are accused of being, this article relies much too heavily on what two people (Crummles and Boiler) say.
I can get two people to say pretty much anything. That doesn’t make it true.
If this insanity is to be put to an end, if our community is going to find the wherewithal to take a stand and fight for the values of tolerance, acceptance, and equality – and yes, that DOES include not tolerating those who spread a message of hate – we must stop littering our articles, information, and presentation with things like “it’s true because these two guys say so”. We must speak in the language of fact, indisputable and concrete.
The language of hate is not a part of our community, and any attack upon that – any attack upon our fandom’s culture of tolerance and friendship – necessarily makes enemies of us all. Make it known that no one wants anything to do with them. Make it public. Make it impossible to ignore. And back it with facts.
Not really a good idea to say “do your homework” without knowledge about how much homework is done and how much confidential info is below the tip of the iceberg.
That includes being the source that originally broke the news, who Rolling Stone and other reporters asked for help, tips from 30+ in the local community, being entrusted with very confidential private messages (one published by permission above), having the chair graciously talk to me, court documents, police reports and other processing above fandom level. Stuff that will produce more news being tracked right now.
Please do homework before posting comments that derail with quibbling, intentional or not. However, if you do have facts to share they are very welcome. Tips accepted via the About link up top or drop a comment any time. Thank you.
The majority of the accusations leveled at this cabal are based on their own words. Scorch himself wrote the event description and provided other information, and made a variety of attacks and accusations on FA, and a variety of other insane shit on his FA. The same with Foxler.
“it’s true because these two guys say so”
When those “two guys” are themselves saying the very things they stand accused of saying…yeah, kinda hard not to see it as true.
The only “insanity” is how in spite of piles of clear evidence many people are still not seeing how Scorch and the utterly irresponsible RMFC staff which let him hold any affiliation with the convention are the culprits in this matter. If the staff had done the only sensisble thing to do, that is kicks Scorch and the Raiders out last year and get the convention’s papers together, none of this would have happened. Even in the worst case scenario it would have been much better to lose the convention because of the staff breaking up rather than lose it because they raised a media scandal in a clumsy attempt to defend their indefensible buddies.
I firmly believe we are an extremely tolerant community and that we ought to stay this way, but when people exploit our tolerance crossing into illegal territory they need to be at the very least kept away from influential positions. Again, none of this would have happened if Scorch had been an ordinary fan, no matter his record track. There are many people with shady personal lives in the community and most furries are fine with a “don’t ask, don’t tell” approach. Scorch’s questionable ideas and behavior are only being brought to the spotlight because he was allowed a position of power, abused it, and damaged hundreds of people in the process. No community can tolerate people who are willing to act like that if it wants to survive.
Oh wow, this entire saga just defies explanation. I had been independently investigating the Dragon Lair advertisement debacle and discovered Kahuki and Scorch live together. Scorch has now doxed himself willingly both on his FA and in this event description in absolutely the worst way possible. I think he is literally insane. No one who is sane lives with an RSO, gives the world his full name, DOB, and address, AND invites children to view and make furry porn at their own event.
I salute you and Deo and everyone else who has been investigating this, and expending resources compiling and presenting evidence and conclusions. I know first-paw this is exhausting work, but it’s also rewarding if things change and decent people praise us. Let me know if I can be of service. I will do all in my power to disseminate this and other findings far and wide.
Anyone else what to site and laugh at the “Keepers of Yggdrasil” who keep totally denying knowing the Raiders or Foxler even though they were the first 2 things the followed, and all the posts are so obviously written by Foxler in his typical error ridden writing style.
Foxler is as innocent of wrong doing as a new born baby. I don’t want hatful words spoken to him about anything. I know who has an evil Spirit and who does not have an evil Spirit. I say things as they are. Foxler did not know about neo Nazis at all. He got curious about them by reason of the false accusations. The Neo Nazis rejected him. They that reject Foxler will be as evil as the Neo Nazis that rejected Foxler. Foxler got that arm band from second life.
Just because I’m in that picture, doesn’t mean I’m a Raider. I’m just a furry at a fur meet. Please stop bullying me. Please stop… I just want my friends back. I’m sick of seeing how ugly this has made anti-raiders. they have been assaulting us and treating us so inhumane.
I hate lying. Stuff it, dude, its well known about what you do and with who. You earned such a bad reputation for causing problems that they made t-shirts about it in Texas. The Raiders don’t like having your name associated because it’s so tainted, but they’re also the ones who haven’t kicked you out like other groups, because they welcome bad behavior. You use their chats, go to their meets – you even left this comment shortly after helping them to “raid” Boiler’s bowling meet where all of you were banned. Pretending to be a victim and not involved is just a fake excuse.