Fursuiting: A History – a video miniseries by Culturally F’d.

by Arrkay

Guest post by Arrkay from Culturally F’d, the furry youtube channel. See their tag on Dogpatch Press for more.

Yesterday we posted a sneak peek of our multi-part miniseries. It looks at animal-costume history from the basics of the mask, theatrical outfits, Hollywood rubber-suits, fandom cosplay, and our very own fuzzy army of unique performers.

Now here’s Part 1: Masks. This video explores the very idea of the mask itself and its ancient origins. Of course we focus on animal-masks, since we’re talking about Fursuit History, not just costuming in general.

This was truly a collaborative effort, so allow me to specifically point to some of the amazing furs that helped make this series not only possible, but brought the quality above and beyond just a simple YouTube blog:

  • Thanks to our special guest speaker Archaesophilia for sharing some anthropological insights.
  • This installment of Fursuiting: A History was co-written by show-runner Arrkay and Tempe O’Kun.
  • Extra big thanks to EZ Wolf for allowing us to use some of the gorgeous convention and fursuit videography from his YouTube channel.
  • Sherbert also contributed some of the Mascot footage featured.
  • As always the thumbnail artwork and graphic design was handled by co-producer Underbite Dragon.
  • The episode also featured music by Eluti, “Speed of Design” (youtube.com/RevamptOrchestra soundcloud.com/caero_musician) and some royalty-free Kerbal Space Program tracks.
  • Our opening title animation was created by ButterscotchOtter, with theme music composed by Khord Kitty.


We look at Pantomime Animals and Skin Parts as was explored right here on Dogpatch Press, with a video dedicated to the theatre!


We aren’t just releasing Fursuiting: A History.  We’re also keeping our regular programming of furry media analysis and fandom videos. We have an all new film-space to work in, so we’re itching to get back into filming on the regular.

  • Tempe O’Kun has written up a romantic analysis of the 1973’s Disney’s Robin Hood.
  • We animate Arrkay and Underbite’s interview on the podcast #CreatorTown.


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