Who runs furry fandom? Check this list of cons with formal corporate structures.
by Patch O'Furr
All hail Uncle Kage, Dark Lord and Master of Furry fandom… nah, he’s just one very visible and committed fan who wants to set an example for how to run a good con. The real power is with many con leaders who form a shadowy, secret cabal whose name cannot be spoken.

They’re watching me. (JL Martello/ New Pittsburgh Courier)
It’s called the Furry Convention Leadership Roundtable. And now I’m in biiiiig trouble.
I’m sharing a big list of cons below. Compare it to the participants on the FCLR website – nearly all (with just a couple of exceptions) overlap with the formally incorporated portion of the list below. It seems like incorporation is for cons that Have Their Shit Together.
Thanks to Fred Patten for assembling and researching the list. He did it when I asked: is there one resource to show which cons have what structures, and when they started or ended? It would be interesting to look at their growth over time and learn about defunct cons. There’s a whole topic about what happens when it’s time to transfer or disband, and why. (With all the drama RainFurrest caused, everyone could learn something from it.)
Fred told me:
“My forthcoming Furry Fandom Conventions (book published by McFarland) lists the attendance of each convention, so you can see the growth; but I don’t think anyone has made a list of which conventions are technically run by which non-profit corporations. You’ve made me curious.
This was harder than I had thought… Some of the conventions don’t name incorporations but may have them. Some name organizations that are not incorporated, such as CaliFur’s FENEC Adventures. I should contact each of these individually, but some never reply…
I’ve tried to include only conventions, not furmeets. My definition is that if it charges a membership fee and registers its attendees, it’s a convention. If it’s free, or charges admission but does not register its attendees, it’s a furmeet.
I’ve tried to add all the new 2016 conventions. There are a couple that have been announced that seem too insubstantial as yet to me.” – (Fred Patten)
I bolded the active cons with formal corporate structures. The rest are unincorporated or gone. The list is very basic – finding more data (like durations and board details) is a job for a future time. Notice a few standout details: China National Furry Party is apparently the only one actually run by a government. Texas Furry Con was the only one sponsored by a mainstream corporation (Shiner Bock Beer.) Elliott’s Live Events isn’t listed, but I believe it’s specially funded by one benefactor as a privilege for all furries who may join.
1. Abando – unincorporated. Discontinued.
2. All Fur Fun – unincorporated. Discontinued.
3. Antheria – unincorporated. Discontinued.
4. Anthro New England – Anthro New England, Inc.
5. Anthrocon – Anthrocon, Inc.
6. Anthrofest – unincorporated. Discontinued.
7. Arizona Fur Con – Arizona Fur Convention LLC
8. BerliCon – unincorporated. Discontinued.
9. Biggest Little Fur Con – Reno Area Anthropomorphic Arts and Recreations (RAAAR), a.k.a. BLFCorp.
10. Brasil FurFest – unincorporated
11. C-ACE – unincorporated. Discontinued.
12. Cal-Furr – unincorporated. Discontinued.
13. CaliFur – FENEC Adventures (unincorporated)
14. Camp Feral! – Toronto Role-playing and Anthropomorphic Animal Costuming Society (TRAACS)
15. Campfire Tails – unincorporated
16. CampFur – unincorporated
17. Central Midwest Furmeet – unincorporated. Discontinued.
18. Central Plains Fur Con – unincorporated
19. Central Plains Fur Meet – unincorporated
20. ČeSFuR – ČeSFuR
21. CH-on – unincorporated. Discontinued.
22. China National Furry Party – government
23. Condition – unincorporated. Discontinued.
24. ConFurence – unincorporated. Discontinued.
25. ConFURence East – unincorporated. Discontinued.
26. ConFurgence – Australian Fandom Conventions
27. ConFuzzled – ConFuzzled UK
28. Conifur Northwest – unincorporated. Discontinued.
29. EAST (Episches Abfeiern Streunender Tiere), a.k.a. EAST-CON – Sachsenfurs e.V.
30. EuroFurence – EuroFurence e.V.
31. FA: United – Northeast Anthropomorphic Association
32. Fangcon – unincorporated
33. FinFur Animus – unincorporated
34. FranFurence – unincorporated. Discontinued.
35. Fur Reality – Ringtail Productions LLC
36. Fur Squared – not for profit organization, but are they incorporated?
37. Fur the ‘More – Mid-Atlantic Anthropomorphic Society
38. Furbest – unincorporated. Discontinued.
39. FurCoNZ – unincorporated
40. FurDU – Australian Fandom Conventions
41. Fur-Eh! – Fur-Eh! Organizing Committee
42. FurFright – FurFright, Inc. Discontinued.
43. FurIdaho – unincorporated. Discontinued.
44. FurJAM – unincorporated
45. Furlandia – RAIn, Inc.
46. Furlaxation – Furlaxation, Inc. Discontinued.
47. Furloween – unincorporated
48. Furnal Equinox – Anthropomorphic Events of Ontario (AEO)
49. Furpocalypse – ? (continued from FurFright, Inc.?)
50. Furry Connection North – Furry Connection North, Inc. Discontinued.
51. Furry Fiesta – Dallas Regional Anthropomorphic Meeting Association (D.R.A.M.A.), Inc.
52. Furry Migration – Minnesota Furs (MNFurs), Inc.
53. Furry Spring Break – unincorporated. Discontinued.
54. Furry Unlocked – Wasatch Regional Anthro Arts and Entertainment (WRAAE), Inc. Discontinued.
55. Furry Weekend Atlanta – Furry Weekend Atlanta, Inc.
56. Furry Weekend Holland – unincorporated
57. FurryCon – Kanouse Entertainment Group
58. FurryLah – unincorporated
59. Furs Upon Malaysia – unincorporated
60. Furstivus – Furstivus®. Discontinued.
61. Furstock – unincorporated
62. Furtastic – unincorporated
63. Further Confusion – Anthropomorphic Arts and Education, Inc. (AAE)
64. FurVention – unincorporated
65. FurWAG – Australian Fandom Conventions
66. FurWanted – unincorporated
67. Fur-Xoticon – unincorporated
68. Futerkon – unincorporated
69. Futrzakon – unincorporated
70. F3 Convention – Missouri’s Furries FurAffinity Group. (Discontinued?)
71. Gateway FurMeet – unincorporated
72. Gdakon – unincorporated
73. Golden Leaves Con — unincorporated
74. Great Lakes Fur Con – unincorporated
75. H-Con – unincorporated
76. Ibercamp – unincorporated. Discontinued
77. IndyFurCon – WhoozFur, Inc.
78. Infurnity – unincorporated
79. Japan Meeting of Furries – unincorporated
80. Kemocon – unincorporated
81. Kemono Square – unincorporated
82. Kigukemo – unincorporated
83. Maltese Fur-Con – unincorporated. Discontinued.
84. Megaplex – Pawpet Live Experiences, Inc. (PLEx)
85. Mephit FurMeet – Mid-South and Tennessee Anthropomorphic Arts Association (MST3A)
86. Mephit MiniCon – FurCon e.V.
87. MiDFur – unincorporated
88. Midwest FurFest – Midwest Furry Fandom, Inc.
89. Morphicon – Morphicon Corporation; renamed after 2015 to AnthrOhio
90. Motor City Furry Con – Motor City Furry Con LLC
91. NordicFuzzCon – unincorporated
92. Oklacon – Oklahoma Association of Anthropomorphic Arts, Inc. Discontinued.
93. Pacific Anthropomorphics Weekend – Pacific Anthropomorphics League, Inc. (pending)
94. Philippine Anthro Festival – unincorporated
95. RainFurrest – Rainfurrest Anthropomorphics International (RAIn) Inc. Discontinued?
96. RBW – unincorporated. Discontinued.
97. RivFur – unincorporated. Discontinued.
98. Rocket City FurMeet – Rocket City FurMeet, Inc. Discontinued.
99. Rocky Mountain Fur Con – MidAmerica Anthropomorphics and Arts Corporation
100. Ruhrcon – unincorporated
101. RusFURence – unincorporated
102. ScotiaCon – ScotiaCon UK Ltd.
103. Texas Furry Con – sponsored by Shiner Bock Beer. Discontinued.
104. TransFur – unincorporated. Discontinued.
105. Tropicon – unincorporated. Discontinued.
106. UralFurence – unincorporated
107. VancouFur – unincorporated
108. Western Pennsylvania Furry Weekend – unincorporated
109. What the Fur – unincorporated
110. Wild Nights – Missouri Exotic Species Art Association (MESA)
111. WUFF – unincorporated
112. Zampacon – unincorporated
113. ZodiaCon – unincorporated
29. EAST (Episches Abfeiern Streunender Tiere), a.k.a. EAST-CON – Sachsenfurs e.V.
Also the registered society behind the ongoing small outdoor con SOCOM (Sommer outdoor campen ohne Muddie).
Thanks! I updated the article above with that helpful info.
VancouFur is overseen by an incorporated not-for-profit; we were officially registered last year.
VancouFur seems to be a furry convention that is deliberately keeping its parent not-for-profit incorporation a secret. There is no mention of it on the VancouFur website, and you say that there is one but not what it is. Is there a reason for this secrecy?
No intent at secrecy; we have had a board of directors since the con was launched, and the BC Anthropomorphic Events Association (which I’m currently the president of) was registered last summer. Staff and local community members are aware of who we are and what we do. Our board members are busy with both our day jobs and convention work – often with multiple conventions – and are steadily working through the tasks needed to oversee VancouFur. our goal is to expand our visibility as we’re able, including establishing a website in the near future.
Just Fur The Weekend, Bristol, UK is also an incorporated convention as JFTW UK LTD. Its the same size as Scotiacon.