A brief history of who ruined furry.
by Patch O'Furr
Many people are to blame for ruining furry. This list isn’t comprehensive, and some of the jerks on it caused multiple problems at the same time.
1960’s – 1970’s: Artists ruined furry.
Underground comic artists made a plan to stigmatize fans of funny-animal comics by putting adult stuff in ones like Robert Crumb’s Fritz The Cat and Reed Waller’s Omaha The Cat Dancer. It worked well enough to keep fans from openly using the “furry” name until the 1980’s.
1985-1988: “Skunkfuckers” ruined furry.
It was just starting to be OK to be furry in public. Then some bad apples got us kicked out of respectable science fiction fandom. Look at these 1980’s convention room party flyers from Lance Rund and Sy – this is the kind of thing that made furries get isolated apart from other fans, with our own private shame-cons.
1989-1992: Transexual freaks ruined furry.**
After getting our own con (ConFurence 0 in 1989), outsiders who weren’t even real furries came in. Here’s a pic of “Furry fandom founder” Fred Patten with one of the freaks, Robert Hill, AKA Hilda the Bambioid. You can see Hilda proudly ruining our image in a weird, sexy alien-like costume. This was scandalous enough to make sure that Fred Patten would never be heard from again. It also ruined reliable gender roles in costuming for both men and women at the same time, and made it impossible to tell what kind of person is inside by looking at the outside.
Flayrah commenter: “…the first furry costume worn at a furry convention… Hilda the Bambioid as performed by Robert Hill at CF0 in 1989.“
1993: Furries are finally acceptable!
Things got better. We were decent enough to show on TV. This special has been cited as the best public representation ever made about furry. It has every furry in the world in the same place together. You can tell things got worse, because when did that ever happen again?
Commenter Dwight Dutton: “I spotted myself in the background. The way to put this in perspective is that this was the LAST “Pre-Internet” furry convention. AOL opened the floodgates a few months after this event.“
1994-1995: The internet ruined furry.
Art and creative writing were overshadowed by the internet, which has neither. Everything decayed into vapid sex chats and “cybering” on “MUDs” and “MUCKs”. Degenerate cartoonists spread filth like Tiny Toons porn to undermine any remaining value of the fandom.
Fred Patten: “What seems most interesting to me is the apparent assumption that furry fandom (and people in general) are just discovering the pornography of high-profile animated cartoon characters with Zootopia. Doesn’t anyone remember the furry fan pornography of Warner Bros.’ Tiny Toon Adventures TV series in the early 1990s, with the series’ own emphasis on gags about Buster Bunny’s not wearing any pants?“
1996-1998: Gays and fetishists ruined furry.
After Mark Merlino started ConFurence, he ruined it. A homosexual propaganda zine reported that he had a convention you could “write to for more info”, a code to solicit perverted activity. Then the con was overrun with horny gay men who had no other interest.
Commenter: “Confurence ran a add in a gay magazine in the 90’s and furry became identified with gays.” – (Dogpatch Press, There’s a persistent rumor that Furry fandom was perverted by a bad ad for ConFurence).
There was also the “elevator jizz” incident at the con hotel. Merlino tried to cover up suspicious moisture by explaining that you had to use the elevator to get to the pool, so it was a little wet from bathing suits. Yeah, right… furries don’t have physiques for swimming, and you know what it means when you see shorts on a fursuiter.
1999: The Burned Furs ruined furry.
This was a big ruin. A battle between yiffers and non-yiffers tore furry in two, never to be forgotten. Now anything using the “furry” name has to get approved by the Burned Furs Board Of Decency. Behind the scenes, they work closely with The Roberts (a secret society including Crumb and Hill).
2000-2004: The media ruined furry.
Another big ruin. MTV, CSI, and Vanity Fair did attack pieces to stigmatize furries. Now not only was furry torn in two, it would also never grow bigger than it was.
2005-2007: “Popufurs” ruined furry.
The Furaffinity website was launched. It turned fandom into a shallow game to have the best social media profile. Fursuiting raised the bar with incredibly nicely made suits, and you could only be a real furry if you had thousands to spend on them. It was no longer about being an anthropomorphic animal, but just about pretending to be one. Winners got high social status and riches, and everyone else had no choice except to follow them.
2007-2010: Cons ruined furry.
Too many cons started, watering down the power of the original con, Anthrocon, and it’s defense of furry virtue. CEO Uncle Kage was the one holding things together with a “family-friendly” policy. It was so fragile that one wrong word, or one mean news piece could make it all come crashing down.
2010-2014: Kids ruined furry.
It’s no longer a serious scholarly pursuit. Now furry is all about being silly. Cons are overwhelmed with drunken, rowdy young fans who chase off the older “graymuzzles” and bring unwelcome new customs like dance crews. They only come for “raving” and parties, forgetting how the fandom was founded.
2015-now: Everyone ruined furry.
IMVU bought FurAffinity. After the announcement in March 2015, the site was dragged down for shameless commerce instead of keeping it pure for macrophile cockvore art. Look at this sellout furfag (*me):
Last day @furcon! We hope to see our #IMVU users at our booth and new FURiends too! #SundayFunday pic.twitter.com/leKpAJvNoF
— IMVU (@IMVU) January 18, 2015
Babyfurs, cubfurs and diaperfurs ruined furry. Rainfurrest could have survived small stuff like vandalism causing office floods – but the hotel simply couldn’t abide the PR damage of a back-view pic of a funny-dressed guy being shared on twitter by furries.
2 The Ranting Gryphon ruined furry with mean transphobic jokes, showing that people who cross species for fun aren’t tolerant.
Uncle Kage ruined furry by being a Fuhrer-like cult leader, causing those mean articles we hoped would never happen.
Disney ruined furry by putting out Zootopia without giving us enough credit for inventing anthro animals. Soon we’ll be overwhelmed by fake furs.
This week: I ruined furry TWICE.
There was a tragedy in Southern California, and it involved super obvious furry social media profiles. So I put out a statement and talked to one reporter. Requests to say more were turned down, but then it went into articles from the LA Times, NY Daily News and others. There was no way to stop them from saying it was sad and sharing fundraisers for victims. Whoops.
Then Rolling Stone did an article. Articles are written ahead of time, so without knowing it, they posted a link to here just 15 minutes before a new one posted here. Theirs said “the entire fur fandom is sometimes equated with fetishism. The truth is, in fact, much more innocent…” and it linked here when the top headline was for Wild Things, a furry fetish party.
Whoops again.
My tail is tucked and my head is hanging in shame for ruining everything. Mea culpa. OK, their article was nice and nobody sent abuse here, but somebody somewhere is judging.
Let me repeat: *somebody, somewhere.* That ruins everything.
Quick fact: 1993 was the only year furry wasn’t ruined. That’s the one we need to get back.
PS. I forgot to blame scammers, art thieves and plagiarists. Am I missing anyone else who ruined furry? Please tell me below.
Actually nobody ruined furry. There are no fake furries vs. real ones. And there’s no nerd fandom that can be kept “pure”, but others have more powerful bad influences than ours. (What real power do members have in organizations run by volunteerism?) Our bad influences are good at keeping distance from insincerity, while bringing passion to a thriving, yet self-directed subculture. That’s the kind of purity I love. Thank the freaks.
** EDIT: Yes this article is entirely satire made with love for everyone, including freaks, oddballs, and their bad influences and strangely sexy selves. Chasing acceptance too much is craving approval from people who don’t give a shit about you. FREAKS RULE. Express yourself and #KeepFurryWeird. Years after posting this, let’s explain context of “transexual freaks” above: Robert Hill quoted Rocky Horror Picture Show about himself, not as a slur. Regardless, this site avoids bad words and uses better ones these days.
> There was also the “elevator jizz” incident at the con hotel. Merlino tried to cover up suspicious moisture by explaining that you had to use the elevator to get to the pool, so it was a little wet from bathing suits. Yeah, right… furries don’t have physiques for swimming, and you know what it means when you see shorts on a fursuiter.
Actually the elevator was next to the hot tub.
Disclosure: I was on staff of that con.
HOT TUBS ruin furry!
2014 gas attack? Ruined the fandom, but not broke it.
Disney ruined it? Lion King, think about it, how many nowdays furries saw this series. Zootopia is a plagiaristic toon, nowdays we know it.
Half a minute i ruined it, sorry about it! Make NaNo an anthro urban fantasy novel…
I hope we alive and i drop some interesting facts of the fandom! Bye!
P.s.: Good press and news from the past and now! I like this press.
P.s. 2: Patch, yes it’s ruin it, but the rainstorm ruined it too, as you are in kemono suit, without umbrella (i know).
They did that time furries had sex in one at Midwest FurFest 2008:
We only lasted two years in that hotel. Fortunately the next one was the Hyatt Regency O’Hare.
Never having heard the actual complaints (despite being on staff) I suspect part of this may have been my fault. I was fighting a head cold the first day of the con. Staggering up to my room lay down for a couple hours I sneezed QUITE messily in one of the elevators. By the time I found something to clean it up with and got back to the elevator the hotel staff (?) had taken care of the mess.
YOU! YOU caused the drama that ruined furry since 20 years ago. Oh my god I’m so incredibly entertained to learn these stories… would you consider writing this up almost like a little action narrative so I can help explain the incident in a stand alone article? I think it would be sweet and hilarious.
The elevator thing has been discussed a couple of times:
(Scott Ruggles and Zhora as other witnesses):
I’m just going to be extremely jaundiced towards that stuff.
The telephone-game thing made decades of longevity to some other obvious bullshit (the “CF advertised to fetish mags” thing). There was super-overcompensating sensitivity of the time from within, about things as innocuous as gay people in the group, which is just absurd in hindsight. There was the moronic Burned Furs crusade of taking-internet-too-seriously. All that sex-shaming from without and media exploitation. Intentionally perpetuating drama out of bad faith (like the Flayrah commenter, source of the bullshit about advertising to fetish mags).
A sneeze in an elevator just passes one of those razor tests much better. (Occam or Ocelot or whoever.)
(Replying to Patch) To me, this is one of the more believable rumors by having multiple witnesses who otherwise would’ve had nothing to do with each other. I’ve talked to Zhora about it, and she’s not the sort of person who had an axe to grind. Unfortunately it’s also prone to misinformation – there was someone who claimed not one, but *two* incidences of the same thing, and there’s no backup evidence of that.
As someone trying to cover the history of the fandom these he-said-she-said things are ultimately frustrating. Despite my personal suspicions, objectively I have to throw up my hands and say “We can’t tell anymore”.
To an extent this is due to counter-stories. Water – mayonnaise – I heard one claim it was skin lotion – and now snot? I’m pretty sure at least half of these are made up, or “it could’ve happened this way” theories.
The problem is that the elevator incident isn’t one thing, it’s part of the “Ruining the fandom!!!” nonsense, in this case part of an argumentative chain (at the time, back after CF8) that the con was getting a little too extreme and that ulitmately this could somehow be blamed solely on Mark Merlino. There’s a clear pattern with the people who supported or dismissed the elevator story (Pro/anti-Merlino), that I view none of them as objective commenters.
Anyway, at the end of the day: If the elevator incident did actually happen, it didn’t ruin the fandom. CF8 was starting to get a bit extreme anyway. CF8 didn’t ruin the fandom. And Merlino didn’t ruin the fandom either.
For those who don’t know what this article was inspired by:
Thanks cheetah! It’s linked under “plagiarists” because I ruined things again by stealing the idea, but I guess sarcasm also ruined things because I got blocked by someone for sarcasm. Whoops!
This is semi-humorous, but even so …
That X-rating for the “Fritz the Cat” movie was phony. The movie was never submitted for a rating. Its distributors just claimed that it had gotten an X for the raunchy publicity.
Jerry Collins created the Bambioids around 1983. His sexy anthro-deers were popular for about a year before Rowrbrazzle started in February 1984.
That 1989 photo of me, Marc Schirmeister, and Bob Hill as a Bambioid was taken at the LASFS clubhouse in early January 1989 when Schirm turned the Rowrbrazzle Official Editorship over to me. I don’t remember if Hill wore the Bambioid costume at ConFurence 0 later that month or not.
Hill was a professional character-costume-wearer at Disneyland at the time. He was also an active member of Rowrbrazzle.
Hoo Boy, was there a lot of fan pornography of the “Tiny Toon Adventures” characters; mostly of Buster “I’m not wearing any pants!” Bunny and Babs “No relation!” Bunny. Most of it was by Karri Aronen, who assumed that the Warner Bros. lawyers couldn’t reach him because he lived in Turku, Finland. Has anyone heard of Aronen recently?
Since when was Anthrocon “the original con”? Besides ConFurence, there was Trish Ny’s ConFurence East earlier.
Neat, I didn’t know Hill was also a pro costumer… and the Anthrocon comment was just another intentional contradiction for humor.
He did wear it at Confurence 0.
I just uploaded probably the only existing Confurence 0 footage that included Mr Hill:
TELL MORE STORIES. this is amazing!!!
Okay, and now PLEASE upload ALL of your Confurence 0 footage
I want to see it. This is historical! And interesting as hack. I actually know a couple of people I saw …
(Edit: Replied to the wrong person at first)
If there is any and can find it I will post it. I believe Ken Sample was the person video taping this and not sure if we had any more of it.
Disclosure: For the past 20 years I have lived at the Prancing Skiltaire with with Mark and Rodney snd have been the general IT and video lion of the house.
Right now I have started working a bit harder on getting old tapes digitized and posting what I can on the Skiltaire you tube page.
Say hi to them, and if you have “highlights” to share, I would LOVE to do a feature post (or even a regular monthly or weekly feature) of your archival stuff.
That would be cool! I’m a bit of a nut when it comes to preserving old con footage. I’ve also digitized all the old analogue tapes I still had, and there is now Eurofurence footage going back to EF3 (1997) online on our vimeo page:
fursuit presentation I had still lying around:
It seems this forum does not like me to post links. Our vimeo page is
www . vimeo . com / eurofurence
Ok, While not Confurence 0 I just uploaded some Comicon 1988 footage which was about 7 months before CF0.
You can even spot this furry party poster on the wall at one of the dealers table:
Glad you jumped in ther, Fred. Good job
Bring back 1993!
Jerry Collins’ colored drawings of sexy Bambioid deer-women, often wearing bondage gear, were very popular in furry fandom around 1980-1985. He and they faded away after that. Collins lived in East Point, Georgia and I think was in furry fandom only by mail. Did he ever get to any parties or conventions in person? Are any of his Bambioid cartoons online today?
Hi Fred – Jerry seems pretty active to this day, but not very connected to the furries. http://en.wikifur.com/wiki/Jerry_Collins
Jerry Collins’s Deviant Art site (linked through the Wikifur entry) does have some folders for old & new Bambiod/Haku-hasin images in his gallery.
> Yeah, right… furries don’t have physiques for swimming
Nonsense, everyone knows that fat floats.
Also, fat fetishists ruined furry by forcing their disgusting fetishes on us. (n. b.: I am making fun of my own fetishes here.)
> (What real power do members have in organizations run by volunteerism?)
It’s not all about volunteerism anymore, though. There are now some artists and fursuit designers that are actually able to make a living off furry commissions.
Which, on one level, is amazing, and I think it’s allowed furry artists to raise their craft to a far higher level than could possibly have existed in the early days of the fandom. But I feel like it also means we have to expect a certain level of professionalism from people who are running furry websites and conventions. Not in the sense that it’s their job to police our reputation and make us look perfectly innocent and virginal all the time, but I think we have to demand a certain level of reliability of service and consistency in how rules are enforced.
And the idea that furry artists can actually lose their jobs because of trolls and internet drama is terrifying. But I guess that applies to everyone now, in this ever-so-tolerant age of social media mobs and outrage culture, so better they should be spending their time creating something they actually care about, rather than filling out their TPS reports just because it’s what real grownups are supposed to do….
I love artists and fursuit designers who make a living off furry commissions! For the most part (with rare exceptions) I think those are on the cottage-industry level. So I say run your own site and use the furry social-network just to promote it, but don’t expect reliability of service until people pay for it. How can you expect it for free?
That’s where one of those rare exceptions comes in. Furry Network seems to want to level up with a service that handles payment professionally. Others are vanity-project labor-of-love level. So I don’t give a fluff about this week’s drama with Dragoneer. And look at who runs Furry Network, it’s the biggest fandom-ruiners.
Volunteerism could also apply to the “corruption” level of direct personal organizations. Different from catholic-church type… until now even the worst stories (every community has them) are just personal failing. I hope it stays that way.
Speaking of personal failing, this blog is putting me at risk of being the fattest of furs. I should get outside.
Don’t get me wrong, it’s a good article but you missed 2 things 1 is the last Rainfurrest. You could argue on what really happened there, but from what furries who were actually there told me. Rolls eyes-a real hot mess. 2 what has been discussed on some videos on You Tube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-a21-ezow8U we are our own worst enemy.
oh dear lord. that video
This was a very informative article, i’ve been part of the fandom since 1997 and i’ve seen a lot of shit
Sadly I think this article isnt a joke. Frankly its a horrible list of nasty trans and homophobic rants and shows a major lack of empathy and willingless to accpet and live alongside people in the fandom.
This kind of negativity and lack of tolerance is just what is wrong with the modern fandom and I wish you would take a look at yourself and ask why you have to attack fellow furs – could it be some shame in yourself that is making you feel this way?
You should read it again very slowly, while envisioning the author giggling most gayly and coming up with an item about furry drama.
Did you forget to set your posts font to the sarcasm font?
Actually I tend to be of the mind that overly sensitive snowflakes who look purposely for reasons to be offended are the real problem with many groups in life.
That and people who can’t take a joke.
It’s unfortunate how many people will fail to realize the sarcastic spirit in which this article was written.
Also, I ruined furry when I founded Furry Fiesta.
It’s all your fault too!
It really isn’t that people missed the point. You just opened a door to what many furs think about.
Well done.
“The Irony is strong in this one!”
When I was editing “The Ursa Major Awards Anthology” for FurPlanet Productions in 2012, there was one story, a finalist, that we liked and were going to use with the author’s permission to fill out the anthology. We had even typeset it when the author said in a panic that he would have to withdraw his permission to reprint because he’d just learned that his boss was prepared to fire him from his contracted job if he allowed it to be reprinted, for having a story in a “dirty” furry book. Even though his story would be G-rated and “The Ursa Major Awards Anthology” is provably not dirty, and both I and FurPlanet argued that he would have excellent grounds for a wrongful-termination-of-employment lawsuit if this happened, he said that he would rather not be fired in the first place than go to the trouble of winning a lawsuit. FurPlanet and I agreed that we didn’t want to be technically liable for causing a furry writer to be fired. The story, which I think is excellent, is unreprinted to this day.
They did not ruin the fandom. They are just not afraid to express Their sexual side. America is puritanical and prudish. You are just a bunch of butt hurt prudes.
LOL so are you agreeing with the article or what.
This is hilarious! Don’t forget the others who’ve ruined furry – file-sharers, cringe videos, plushophiles, zoophiles, specific con chairmen, adult toy manufacturers, murrsuiters, deadbeat artists, and problem art commissionners.
What I find more interesting is that so much of this – trying to label a whole sub-group as bad – is an exercise in futility. Every sub-group has members who’re considerate and inconsiderate. Of what, and to whom, is something that constantly varies.
If someone acts in a way that actually hurts a chunk of the fandom (like the person who contacted all the hotels that Rainfurrest was looking into, to sabotage them getting a new venue), then you’ve got a legitimate reason to say someone is ruining things. But that’s a single person at fault, not a group.
Individuals tend to be problematic more often than groups; talk to any furs in major cities who organize large meet-ups, chances are they’ve had to ban at least one person. But that one person’s actions can reflect badly on others. So a single (and memorable) asshole juggler can turn into “Jugglers are ruining the fandom!”
I think there’s a certain amount of paranoia too. Like for a while I heard people complain that furry would ruin your chances at going professional. The animation industry seemed particularly cut-throat – Herbie Bearclaw experienced problems, and so did Nakira’s brother. (If you ever wondered why Nakira’s artwork occasionally vanished from FurNation, it was to protect his brother’s reputation.)
But a lot of furry artists have done just fine, even winning awards, or drawing professional illustrations for books, RPGs, computer games… Ok, stigma sometimes happens. But success happens too!
One really big fandom complaint is “Complainers are ruining the fandom!” This happened after the Burned Fur thing, and for the early part of the 2000s, no one wanted to hear any bitching about furry from other furries. While this created a really positive atmosphere that continues to this day, the trolls had a great time pretending we didn’t have any standards.
For part of the Internet in the early 2000s, trolling became a popular pastime and it filtered its way into furry. Like on the FurAffinity message forums, it manifested as obnoxiously trying to derail every discussion. But as a side-effect, it re-introduced criticism into the fandom.
In the last six years I’ve seen so much more intelligent, constructive criticism emerge in the fandom! There’s still destructive criticism, but as a fandom I think we definitely have a lot more willingness to conduct a good discussion than one that just points fingers in a vague direction and doesn’t offer any solutions.
So basically, my take on things is: Give positive, not destructive criticism. If you’re gonna point fingers, point to individual, concrete examples, not group stereotypes. Most of all, celebrate the things we do well! And if something isn’t getting enough attention, instead of focusing on the things you don’t like, work on shifting the focus towards the things you do like!
Incidentally, Dronon — I found your ‘History of the Fandom’ essay extremely compelling despite its brevity.
I do like the piece about the fandom becoming a type of popularity hierarchy because of sites such as furaffinity. Don’t get me wrong it’s a good site and I like the popufurs just like I do any other furry, it’s just that to me that’s not how I thought of the fandom before I got more into it, were all equally important and equally worthless lol
> Look at these 1980’s convention room party flyers from Lance Rund and Sy
Also for the record, Sy is short for Sylys Sable or Mark Merlino (Who also does art on occasion over the years)
Actually, it was me. I ruined Furry when I rebooted the characters from “Untitled!” into full human designs. :p
[…] http://dogpatch.press/2016/10/10/who-ruined-furry/ […]
Clever article.
Although in a way it’s true that the Burned Furs “ruined furry” – they ruined it in the furries’ own eyes. The late 90s were a period of critical growth for the community as internet availability was exploding, and right at that time Burned Furs made so much noise and insisted so much that the fandom was full of perverts hellbent on converting people to their fetishes that a sizable portion of the internet fandom started to actually believe it. I had been following closely the furry fandom for years when it happened and it was a very noticeable shift in attitude. Up to that point in time drama about porn and fetishism had largely been confined to private chats and newsgroups, but after that it spread everywhere and self loathing became part of the fandom’s identity.
There are still traces of that attitude to this day, especially on image boards, but luckily it seems to be fading away as more and more undeniably cool stuff comes out of the community. An article like this or cartoons poking fun at that attitude would have been unthinkable ten years ago.
It’s so funny how that was as substantial as a fart… a couple dozen complainers couldn’t keep their own group together for more than a year… and we’re STILL talking about it. I guess drama is oxygen for internet blabber?
“An article like this or cartoons poking fun at that attitude would have been unthinkable ten years ago”
I am so honored…
Butterfly effect I guess. X-D But also most people weren’t used to trolling back in the 90s and didn’t know how to deal with it. According to an artist who personally knew the people involved, the Burned Fur thing was mostly revenge trolling orchestrated by an animation student who had been scolded by her teacher (a somewhat famous cartoonist who hated the style of 80s cartoons).
You might have missed the latest one where SJWs ruined the fandom by turning everything political, hosting numerous witch hunts, making humor and sexuality a taboo thing while complaining they feel shamed for the same thing, ruining open discussions and trying to make the fandom as main stream and bland as possible so they didn’t have to feel like weirdo nerds…while calling older furries and people who have kept communities running, weirdo nerds and trying to drive them out of their own communities.
You can date that one in the 2010-Present category..
Hmm… We’re doing satire here, and I can’t find the funny. It sounds like a straw man – or a short bus full of straw children on the way to bitterness school. I’m snarking but this is the attitude this article is making fun of.
Don’t get mad yet, let’s deconstruct this. I’m curious who could represent these problems? Can we name anyone? Supposedly SJW’s are here to kink shame people, and make the fandom mainstream and bland… but isn’t the typical Straw SJW called a “special snowflake” who invents weird pretend sexual identities? This is incoherent.
Where are “witch hunts”? I get heckloads of gossip with running this site and have never heard of one inside this group. I can think of drama and gossip, and some poorly regarded figures having their reputations decline, but none who didn’t go out of their way to provoke it or disgrace themselves. If anything, people are way hands off about outré behavior. There are occasions to have a few basic standards, like if “nazi furs” are stinking up the place, then “weirdo nerds” need to draw a line between themselves and falling into a toxic cult. Nothing wrong with a little grown up judgement. So witch hunts – that just means petty drama, right?
There is such a thing as overzealous moral policing, I’ve even been a target here, and it was really easy to neutralize because it was flimsy and absurd. Look at a real organized attempt, the “Burned Furs” thing (it had less longevity than a wet fart). What’s to be insecure about?
If this is a real complaint about things getting ruined, I can only recommend getting outside and broadening horizons a little.
“Skunkfuckers” ruined furry. 1985-1988
Oh no! I ruined the fandom even as a toddler! haha
No worries though, I can assure you my ruination continues unabated. ;D
We seriously need 1993 back. I have to hide all of my art so I dont get “grounded forever”
“Furries are disgusting people who dress up to do disgusting things”
– Mom 2017
Are you acquainted with Ken Fletcher? You would almost have to be. I find him very likable and I love his art. Sincerely, etc…
I tried to do new things, publish more zines, got screwed over a lot, in the internet age, it just meant more was easy to be ripped off. Created the first truly cross platform furry art, one of my idols stabbed me in the back, one of my friends was a stalky creepy guy, so I went back on my roots, before I was a furry artist, I was a tech geek. So now I do that, build accelerometers that leads to spacecraft being able to land on their tails, ironically enough.