Here’s the Altfurry blocklist – a powerful tool to reduce hate spam.
by Patch O'Furr
Have you ever hung up the phone on a jerk? Frozen out a bully who acted like a wasp in your hair? Rejected a stalker who can’t stop asking to sniff your socks? Shut the door on a creep who wants to get you into a crackpot religion, or to sign a petition to legalize hunting at zoos? Blocked spam to sell you a miracle cure for crotch rot, made from the powdered toenails of a peruvian jungle sloth?
Good. You stood up for yourself like an adult and moderated a nuisance. And now the power is yours to do it better than before. At least with one hate group.
The Altfurry Twitter blocklist (updated 9/24/2017 – now on Blocktogether)
- Download the file. Go to Twitter: Settings > Blocked Accounts > Advanced > Import.
- Preview allows screening by eye. It’s your choice to verify each block.
- The blocklist is often updated. Check this page for fresh info or subscribe to Blocktogether.
Oh no, blocklist sounds like “blacklist.” At least if you don’t think too hard about simply separating signal from noise. But blocking is a self-defense against nuisance. A list empowers you with crowdsourced support to moderate your boundaries. And if you’ve been ganged up on, it can handle aggression like jiu-jitsu, especially the more widely it’s used.
Right off the bat, expect predictable complaints. It’s as if standards which everyone uses (like spam filtering, or SFW limits for a group) are somehow antithetical to a free-floating ideal of universal “free speech.” It’s as if there’s no community attached, everyone is for themselves, and consequences don’t exist. Supposed enemies of free speech might point to the National Communication Association and the difference between censorship and moderation. (Paraphrasing added):
Moderation is the practice of prohibiting speech in a particular virtual community by authorities within that community. (Crowdsourced in this case, the authority is you.) A topic that is moderated on one virtual community can be communicated elsewhere, so those who wish to discuss it can migrate.
When there is no moderation, the effect of a large number of irrelevant or hurtful messages can be the same as censorship; that is, a group’s ability to discuss a particular topic is curtailed and members leave.
There is one circumstance where community migration is not feasible- when the community is opposed by an adversarial group. An adversarial group defines itself as the opponent of another group. Nazis and creationists, for example, are opposed to Jews and evolutionists. And any group that exists online must communicate its beliefs, as there is no online presence without communication. To assert their identity as an adversarial group, the adversarial group argues with the opposed group. The relationship between the adversarial and opposed group is inherently parasitical.
Conversely, the opposed group does not necessarily define itself in relationship to the adversarial group. Jews and evolutionists would generally prefer that Nazis and creationists leave them alone.
Without moderation, when a member of the adversarial group communicates belief to the opposed group, the value of the virtual community decreases for every member of the opposed group. For opposed groups, adversarial group messages have properties identical to censorship.
So “free speech” isn’t a consequence-free ideal. Freedom can be self-negating without a sense of community. What does this say about the altfurry blocklist?
- Alt-furry (alt-right or “alternative furry”) behaves like an adversarial, parasitical group to furry fandom. Notice there’s no “fandom” in altfurry. They act like the only thing in common is selfish media consumption. But there is a community. Moderation supports it.
- This applies to Twitter, not between government and public. And online filtering and moderation goes back to the days of Usenet. However this kind of social media eliminates the cost of it to benefit the company. Moderation is left to your personal work.
- When you have free speech, that doesn’t mean a right to scream in someone’s ear when they walk away. Blocking is freedom of association. Don’t let anyone tell you not to use your freedom or expect you to be a pushover about it.
What are the sources for the list? The team that assembled it (which doesn’t include me, I’m a messenger) used this criteria:
- Much of the list is Altfurry Discord users, seen in the logs where you can verify why they are listed.
- Several lists were merged that include observed supporters for altfurry.
- Hundreds of accounts were checked individually by hand – there is no algorithm.
- Toxic trolling is another reason for being listed; this isn’t about “politics,” it’s about quality-control.
Communication makes a better solution:
- To make a case for not being on the list, comment here. (Again, I don’t add anyone and will pass messages.)
- @AltFurryBlocker on Twitter is a more direct method to reach the team.
We are proud to introduce Version 1.0 of the AltFurryBlocker block list, available via BlockTogether! 😺
— AltFurryBlocker (@AltFurryBlocker) September 24, 2017
Have you released any information on what your criteria is for inclusion on the block list? I'm seeing some questionable names on the list.
— Historical Vengeance Daddy (@TheSteelShep) September 24, 2017
Broadly speaking, deep dives of certain hashtags, Twitter account post history, cross referencing Twitter accounts with FA and Discord..
— AltFurryBlocker (@AltFurryBlocker) September 24, 2017
How to use it actively and why it matters:
- No tool is perfect. It calls for being part of an active solution and being informed (it’s better than complaining but doing nothing, right?)
- Altfurry is a tiny splinter group so the list isn’t an unmanageable mass of thousands without transparency. You can judge it by eye.
- There will always be way more members needing this than wanting it gone. Each supporter makes it stronger for everyone.
- Nazism has nothing to say. It was killed and discredited generations ago and isn’t up for debate. But some would welcome it back if they could.
- Forgiving is easy and requires honest change. Instead Altfurry chose to obscure their most racist elements from public view but not repudiate it internally. They work to provoke reaction to falsely depict opponents as aggressors and milk it for attention. Being on the list is avoidable by not wedging open a door for nazism, and just owning their shit. When that doesn’t happen the community has a right to moderate itself.
- If they want to use this to find others to follow, they can out themselves and make the list easier to manage.
- Honestly changing is how people who landed on the list can make it unnecessary. Until then nothing is stopping them from enjoying an alt-fandom without trashing this one.
Coming soon: FurAffinity blocklist and Do Not Commission list.
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Hi, I’m a left wing transgender socialist and a friend of mine who installed this list told me I’m on it. I have absolutely no idea WHY I am as I’ve mocked altfurry multiple times over the past few months, and I feel like this list is just like shooting a shotgun at a crowd; you’ll hit the desired targets hopefully, but you’ll also hit a crap load of random people, like me. I request to be taken off this list and hopefully it be more closely watched so other random people don’t get lumped in with genuine neo-nazis and such. Thanks.
Thanks for commenting, I’ll pass it on for you. I don’t add names so that’s my role. You can also use the Twitter linked above. If we judged by requests so far it’s “99.5% accurate”, obviously that means nothing at all except it’s not a shotgun… any solution will be naturally imperfect so active management is the key to accuracy.
Why does this list feel like the Hollywood black list? I mean there are likely people on it who deserve it, but couldn’t one just easily say someone is an alt furry and get them added to the list? How much of this is a witch hunt and how much of it is actual fact.
Reading a good deal of comments here it looks like there are more than a few who were tossed onto the list and actually don’t belong on it.:/
Honestly that doesn’t sound very informed about what the Hollywood blacklist was. Calling “witch hunt” at ordinary action seems to be the only witch hunt involved.
Nobody is being pressured not to employ someone else. But people are being given power to choose who they associate with. In other words, that’s quality control for your social life. You wouldn’t let a spammer call your phone at all hours without permission, don’t let jerks and trolls ruin your experience of socializing with friends online. They have plenty of other people they can bug with consent.
There’s carefully researched criteria involved. Nobody is added to any list just by being called an altfurry. It’s about behavior that violates boundaries out of bad faith (trolling) and enabling others who do it (being a support network for trolls.)
I don’t think there’s more than a few who didn’t belong on the list, I think to be accurate, there may have been “a few” who got off by asking. The rest makes a low 3 digits amount, a size where you can look at every single name and not get lost without knowing who is on it, and you can manually approve every name too before blocking.
That’s a tiny less than 1% fraction of a fandom of at least 6 figures. It’s really impossible to say there aren’t that many jerks who can’t get along with others in any population, this just helps keep them out of your face.
I have the block list installed. You are not blocked.
shit like this is why I *highly* recommend using services like BlockTogether over simply passing around csv files. BlockTogether propagates not only updates, but also forgiveness.
I am a teenager, and a relatively moderate fur when it comes to politics, if I get involved in politics at all. I have never posted racist, sexist, homophobic or anti-semetic things on my Twitter, and never have any intention of doing so. I have had disagreements and arguments with let-wing furs on occasion, but I don’t think that’s enough to label me “alt-furry” or a neo-nazi. I am making a plea to be removed from this list, as I see no verifiable reason for me to be on there. Thank you.
Thank you for getting in touch and I will pass it to the right place.
You were in the AltFurry Discord. You were part of that harrassment campaign with the traced avatars.
This needs to be posted on something besides dropbox due to the bandwidth restrictions.
I passed along several messages about it and it’s being moved ASAP. Thanks for feedback 🙂
You should add a more explicit warning that there have been and may still be false positives. Otherwise people will just take this list as blind truth that so-and-so is a nazi and should never be trusted again.
Thanks for commenting. That’s user discretion. The details spell out that it’s good to verify for yourself and you can preview and approve every single account if needed. Doing nothing is how there came to be a problem, so now people are moving on to using available tools. No tool is perfect of course, and Twitter doesn’t offer better, so it calls for being part of an active process of using, having specific account feedback and updating. It’s being addressed.
Excellent, community is really coming together to protect one another! Glad to hear there’s already a new list coming to fix false positives
Is there any possibility of an Inkbunny blocklist in the future? I know that some alt furs who are getting the boot on FA aren’t getting banned on IB. It’s kind of a problem.
Thanks for asking Sen. I’ll pass that along. Obviously it can’t be done everywhere, but doing it in the most active places can be powerful for how things balance out everywhere. The National Communication Association link about moderation up there points out:
“Moderation has real value in encouraging free speech. Without moderation, speech by adversarial groups would quickly kill off speech by opposed groups. Thus, speech is most diverse when some virtual communities are moderated, while others are not. Speech by adversarial groups thrives in unmoderated environments, while speech by opposed groups thrives in the moderated environment.”
In other words, if they want to base their alt-fandom on Inkbunny (a place with a certain reputation that would make that really funny,) it might be really interesting to just watch how that goes. They have already backstabbed each other to pieces over the cub issue. That’s what they do.
This is a Kevin & Kell comic from 1998 you might find really amusing 🙂

Sorry if I don’t find the idea very amusing myself, but a lot of trans folks have been targeted on Inkbunny lately. I hope you don’t find our being forced out of our spaces acceptable because some of us indulge in an unpopular kink.
I don’t call that amusing. I was saying the comic about hate groups devouring each other was funny as a comic. And when I said combining the kink with people who claim to despise it was funny I should have said absurd or ironic, but I’m not laughing at you.
I’m sorry to hear about the problem. An unpopular kink doesn’t bother me. The worst thing I have ever said about it was neutral and it isn’t really my business. An event I help organize makes one of those spaces that welcomes you.
Now about trans folks and Inkbunny. Not sure if you’re aware but one of the admin/owners of the site has a rep for being transphobic and somewhat radically laissez faire about moderation, two things that spell bad news for having your spaces on that site. It could mean that when a balance of altfurry users tip out of other places, they may tip into that one. You might want to look into preparing for not having the site on your side with that. That’s just an impression, I don’t use the site but it comes from watching things and I hope it’s useful to you.
I understand. Sorry if I sounded a bit hostile, but, well, I was kinda bracing to be thrown under the bus there. Times have been…pretty tense lately, as you can imagine.
In any case, I’m aware of Inkbunny’s problems. I would’ve left myself, but, a lot of cool folks are sticking around in spite of the whole mess that’s been going down there. I might go ahead and start my own block list, especially since there might be a lot of 1:1 matches between Furaffinity and Inkbunny.
Do you guys know if here will be a list for Weasyl too?
I haven’t heard any plan but you might want to ask @altfurryblocker
Tried to download, got a notification that the link is unavailable because OP has “hit their daily limit of traffic or download” lol. Good to see it’s become so popular
The creator of this list may want to consider distributing it with BlockTogether.
That way, when they update it, it will automatically propagate to everyone who has also subscribed to it.
Thanks that’s a good idea and they’re looking at it right now.
Hey, I’m on this list and I’m a libertarian socialist, not the least bit right-leaning.
They’re looking at behavior rather than belief. If you ID the account and make a request I can pass it on, or it’s more direct to contact @altfurryblocker on Twitter.
Will this article be updated after the fact with the new list?
I neglected to grab it the first time around and I tried to click and it’s unavailable due to I think bandwidth restriction
Yes, very soon! I’m surprised it’s taken 4-5 days, but they have an update in the works. I think the only holdup is setting up a solid system for hosting or updating.
Hello, I am a bisexual, fiscally conservative Mexican American (I’m also 1/4th Native American) and my Twitter handle @1_8659 was added to your list. I am surprised and appalled at why anyone would see my account as bigoted as I do not see any race, nationality, gender, culture, or sexuality as superior or inferior. I also do not have any fascist views, although I have expressed a lot of anti-communist sentiment, please keep my resentment for it is because of what people from forme communist countries would describe to me how life was.
Anyway, back to the topic. I can somewhat understand why I was put on the list—Chipfoxx has had an argument with me on an occasion over the election (pre Nov 8th) and he blocked me after I had posted unreliable sources and he could of mistook them or interpreted the alt-right news sources. So I can feel he put it on there for malicious intent (it’s a shame he blocked me, I was supporting his wife’s sex transition).
While I am not necessarily proud if everything I said, I believe Chipfox took my comments with way too seriously it had a bias against me for my comments on corruption in the White House.
I am here because I do not wish to seek violence or malicious actions, I am here to solve this in a peaceful and civil manner. I am merely here to request that you please take down my account from your list, as I have no ties or associations to the furry raiders, the alt-right, or any supremacist group.
Thank you for spending your time reading this, Bryfox.
Hi Bryfox, I’m not certain of the specifics of what went on or even if it involved a certain person, it may not. There is a team involved and a consensus process to handle requests. I do know that some tools like mass export added a few accounts by accident (even if they were blocked, it wasn’t because of meeting above criteria), which have been fixed with a pending update.
I will pass this on. You can also contact @altfurryblocker on twitter with a request to that admin.
I see on Twitter you are calling it my list, please be aware I don’t add people to the list, I’m avoiding that on purpose. I’m supporting/hosting the info and passing messages. You also mentioned being a person of color and not white – please be aware that identity isn’t criteria of the list, behavior is. For a little perspective, we’re talking about a fringe of furries (a group full of LGBT people) absurdly associating with haters – none of that makes sense in the first place. “Aryan” was never a real thing and Japan (not white people) were the Axis too in WWII. Haters have no consistency so don’t be surprised to find gay people etc among altfurry.
You’d also be surprised to see trans alt-right (which only made me more confused at what kind of people we’re dealing with). Anyways, I’m just surprised in what way my behavior could have ended me up on such a list, I don’t really see race in this fandom (unless when the subject is pondered), I just get along with anyone if they’re okay with me. While politically I’m aware my opinions are unpopular, they are moderate politics at best, and even then I don’t really discuss politics on my account really anymore. I have a lot of respect for Dog patch press as an outlet, I’m just puzzled at why I would be unfairly judged.
I’m just frustrated that this list has caused me a bit of social harm as many accounts do avoid me, alt right furs (who I do not wish to associate with), and many furry artists and fursuit makers have blocked my account without second thought.
I just want to clear a misunderstanding. While I like the concept of a list of the alt-furry, I just hope mistakes aren’t made that can hurt someone’s social perception.
The list has been updated and I believe you have been removed as requested. Thanks very much for your patience.
Thank you so much!
You still seem to have people that are non altfurs on there and it’s hugely saddening to see them on there. Please double check people on it.
The criteria is behavior and not simply membership in a group, so you will see accounts that earn a place on the list whether or not they claim the title altfurry. They are checked and there’s a consensus process with appeals. If you have specific accounts to name, and they believe they should not be on the list, please encourage them to get in touch. Otherwise, please keep in mind that the more this is used the more accurate it can be. Nothing is perfect but you can either just criticize or be part of an active process.
[…] Subscribe to the Altfurry Blocklist here, and read about why to use it. The more who join, the stronger it gets. […]
Hello, my user name is “@Alonzorion” on Twitter, and I have absolutely no idea how I got onto your list.
I’m sorry to hear about that! It’s not a list I run, but I do have contact to the team who researches and handles listing and removal. A direct contact to them is – the list account itself does block because it needs to subscribe to Blocktogether to be functional, but the support account is open. However I sent them a recommendation to remove you.
I quickly checked and saw no reason you would be listed. There was a recent merge of lists, and that can occasionally have a very small percent of errors, but it is actively being improved all the time to make sure cases like this are resolved. I haven’t yet had any second requests after fixes are made.
Much appreciated!
My username is “@CoyoteInTheHat” on Twitter and I have no idea why I’m on the list.
I have never been involved with AltFurry. In fact, I’ve been a very vocal critic, openly mocking some of the “leaders” of the movement. I’ve actually talked people out of associating with that group.
I’ve never had a kind thing to say about any AltFurs and in fact have been a victim of their awful behavior. Additionally, I’ve had some use my web services and they are by far some of the worst clients you could get. I’ve actively warned people NOT to do work for them because of how unpleasant and nightmarish they have been.
Politically speaking, I’ve found it best to stay out of it, except maybe to poke fun at or bring light to really dumb people and horrible decisions. I may be a minority in my minority group, but I absolutely despise the ideologies of AltFur and AltRight and find them to be extremely dangerous to the health and progress of our society. I have repeatedly spoken out against both and I have done what I can to rise awareness or make a mockery out of them. I’ve actually been successful in bringing people out of alt groups and helping them understand why such groups and ideologies are something to stay away from.
I have friends from every side of the political spectrum. Some of the people I frequently talk to are way to the left of me (and I’m pretty liberal), and we get along fine. In fact, I actually helped one of them who was under attack by one of these losers. Ask any of my friends and they’ll tell you I don’t tolerate alt anything.
The only thing I can think of that may have got me here is that Deo blocked me. I don’t know how true or how accurate this is as I recently discovered who the source of it was (and let’s just say, it’s not very reliable). Supposedly, she said I made violent threats against someone at con. I’m really doubting she said that but apparently, I was put on a list for making violent/hateful comments against an artist I’ve never interacted with. Which I find concerning. I may be a jokester and a “cyber class clown” but I would never say anything remotely like what I was accused of, not even “ironically” or as a joke. That’s not my style and that’s not what I believe in.
I am aware that there is a “Deo-ified” avatar of me out there, but that was requested for me by a mutual. I never used it or shared it. I don’t even dislike Deo, quite the opposite really. I think she’s really a good person.
Really, I think y’all will find I’m on your side of the battle when it comes to opposing the AltFurs and the glorification of genocidal regimes (such as the Third Reich).
I look forward to hearing back from someone. I can’t message any of the accounts mentioned above because of the block. I’d be happy to provide more information if needed.
Hi Coyote, based on this it seems like your account was close to a few criteria for listing, or may have been caught up with others who did, but may deserve delisting. You can reach the team directly at @afbsupport on twitter but I’ll forward this to them now. I don’t touch the list but I talk to them. Thanks for your patience.
Hey, I just wanted to say thank you for responding and for forwarding this to the right people! I appreciate you for taking time out of your schedule to look into this and for assisting me. Thanks for your help with this!
I dont know if im on the list or not but i was added to the raiders group a good while back, was invited by a friend and i just saw it as any other chat and i mostly used it to source memes and my interactions were rare, i never actually knew of the reputation. seemed like an alright group at the time and i got involved in the free art work offered. and also have accepted a commission for a logo design.
Earlier this year there was a members list leakage and i was surprised to see my name on it, and then i looked into the raiders on google to see the things that has shown them to do, so i just left as i dont want to be dealing with that issue.
I been trying things to clear any history involving with the group, i have even been investigated by con staff from a con i go to, to find my interactions in the group to be benign.
I am no nazi, nor an extremist, just a centrist who rather be left alone working on my own projects and playing games and i dont want the history of being in raiders to haunt me, its unsettling the thought of being barred by artists who i wish to commission, it has also made my anxious to talk to new people who may just be like “oh you are with raiders *block*”
I just want peace, because i wouldn’t even hurt a fly.
It’s not just like any other chat, and their activities do tend to bring damage on their members. It’s not a good idea to call yourself “centrist” between a fandom, and a group of vile trolls and criminals dedicated to ruining it.
Letting people know that you are opposed to the group’s existence and helping to remove anyone you know involved is a good way to undo damage they do to you and everyone else. Good luck.