Good Furry Award Winners to Be Announced June 3 at Biggest Little Fur Con

by Patch O'Furr

Since 2019, the Good Furry Awards have been recognizing furries who make outstanding positive contributions to the fandom.

Founder Grubbs Grizzly says:

For the 2022 awards, there will be a LIVE presentation at Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno, Nevada! The ceremony will be on Friday, June 3, at 5pm in the Ruby Room, so if you’re going to BLFC I hope to see you there!

The awards will be broadcast live on the Bearly Furcasting podcast.

ALSO! This year there will be a new Lifetime Achievement Award! This special award is selected by Uncle Bear Publishing and is in addition to our regular awards.

You can learn more by visiting the Ask Papabear website or SEE THE NOMINEES LIST HERE.

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