Furry beach-off: The truth about a fight with a megaphone at a California meet
by Patch O'Furr

Event background video Sunset Beach Bonfire: Raccoon’s Den Episode 112
Blood was drawn by violence between furries in California’s Huntington Beach, in a story that’s raising hype and misinformation. The hot-button term “nazi” is part of it. So is years of peaceful history for hundreds of members, even when a fight between a few of them is like red meat for media vultures who don’t care about the background. Here’s a story with witness evidence for readers who care.
The setting was the 11th annual Sunset Beach Bonfire meet on August 12, 2023. This event in Southern California is so popular, the attendance rivals entire furry conventions. Members of their nearly 1000-strong chat group go for grilling and fursuiting with so many friends, they need a megaphone for crowd control, like to organize group photos. This is a party for people who are full of love and fun who have been very successful at growing it.
In March, the official update channel announced they had reserved space: “It’s a private location with a volleyball playground.” Remember it was private access. Tents and a fursuit lounge were provided to keep cool in the sun. Nobody expected the chill vibes to heat up with a megaphone being used for a weapon, a scuffle on the ground, and an arrest with charges still to get decided in court.
Me trying to see that one dude who beat the shit out of some guy with a megaphone. #Furry #MoreFurLessMonday https://t.co/f7fX34OBM2
— Opos⏩Furvana (@Real_Opos) August 15, 2023
A short video clip of the fight went viral, with context twisted by the hype. It started with accounts for fight videos, then went to sensational tabloid and right-wing “news” sources with trashy reputations:
- Man Attacked By Furry At Huntington Beach Meetup, Wild Video Shows – TMZ
- Furry Fight: Chaos Erupts At California Beach ‘Furmeet’ As Pirate Furry Drills ‘Chud’ With Megaphone – Outkick
- Bizarre moment man is attacked by FURRY after he’s caught filming fetish group in Huntington Beach – Daily Mail
- Pirate furry tackled by cops for attacking man with megaphone at ‘Furmeet’ – Dexerto
- Furious furries fight back after busting man filming them on beach – NY Post
- Man filming fetish group attacked by furries on beach – Toronto Sun
- Furry Attacks Man at Huntington Beach – Total Frat Move
- VIDEO: Furries Attack Man At Beach – Barstool Sports
Those are archive links to deny traffic for stories of conjecture and regurgitated, third-hand info. They don’t care about accuracy because they have agendas. It’s implied that there was an “attack” on a random man for simply recording the group (but in fact, there were years of provocation by inside members causing a problem). Some of them wedge in malicious bias by mocking pronouns, using “fetish” innuendo, and for no sane reason, comparing furries to “street thugs” who do retail looting. There have even been bewares in furry groups about right-wing news trying to get inside. To help debunk the fake news, Dogpatch Press can provide direct info with cooperation from people involved.
Years of provocation – and why the Nazi term comes up
Apart from tabloid stories to blame the community, members tended to consider this to be community defense like a history of opposing neo-nazi infiltration in subcultures, from punks to furries. Were Nazi furries involved?
Quick points about the beach event:
- The location was private and reserved, not public, and access could be denied.
- Two people were banned from attending: Skaard and his boyfriend Renn (person hit with a megaphone).
- Skaard is known for being in the neo-nazi Furry Raiders and doing the type of harassment the group is known for.
- Dogpatch Press staff have been harassed by Skaard for reporting about neo-nazis, earning him a permanent block.
- Skaard’s behavior went on for over six years and caused prior bans from furry groups and events, and they applied to enablers too.
- Skaard and his partner knew they were banned from the beach meet, and picked the fight by going anyways.
Proof of years of provocation:
- 58 screenshots of group chats showing Skaard (AKA Valyrym) and Renn’s bans from groups and events.
- Skaard’s participation in neo-nazi activity, which he denies with common excuses spread by those groups.
- Thread of evidence and discussion.
A witness statement and the aftermath
A source from the Sunset Beach Bonfire event explained the fight (identity withheld for security.)
“There were two people involved, Skaard (Nazi) and Renn (boyfriend to Nazi). Renn was the one who got bonked.
They were told previously that the two of them weren’t allowed to attend this meet; they ignored warnings on purpose. They were also escorted off premises at a similar meetup a week prior by law enforcement during the FurBQ. They have been banned from numerous southern Californian furry events because of death threats and harassment campaigns to the members, most of which were done verbally with no recordings, along with affiliation with the Furry Raiders, a known Neo Nazi Furry group.
We had a reserved area on the beach, and the staff of the event organizers were allowed limited control of who was or wasn’t allowed there. During the beginning of the confrontation, these people were told that they were allowed to go anywhere else on the beach other than our area which we had a reserved permit for. We also didn’t want them interacting with our suit lounge, which was part of the permit.
This was incident #3, and the other 2 incidents had been handled without further trouble. Law enforcement told us earlier in the day when the first incident occurred that they either wouldn’t help us, or couldn’t be able to help us.
Renn, who was recording the entire event the moment he walked onto the beach, after being talked to for over 5 minutes that they were not welcome, that they needed to leave, and that the person who owns the permit didn’t want them there, he basically said “Too bad, I’m not leaving.”
It’s regrettable that it came to violence, but there shouldn’t be regret about who it happened to. There was an attempt to just be loud at them using the megaphone to annoy them into leaving first. After Renn was hit, the alleged hitter was then tackled to the ground and pinned by a non-furry bystander. He didn’t resist being detained.”
The alleged hitter was arrested and booked at the county jail, then released after arraignment. The charge was Felony Assault with a Deadly Weapon, but it was reduced to a misdemeanor. The court ordered no contact by the accused with Skaard or Renn. A next court date is in September for the process of going to trial.
Editor’s opinion
This isn’t a story of furries confronting nazis using nazi symbols and trying to do hate crime at the event. It was inside conflict with people who refused to take “no” after bans. They happened to be a past nazi-sympathizer and enabler who wanted control to undermine healthy gatekeeping. It was up to the community to handle their intrusion after police wouldn’t. That’s about behavior more than politics, but can still count as community defense. If people want to cheer for punching nazis, it’s smart to consider the cost and try to avoid giving them what they want.
UPDATE 1: Bad media pays.
As the owner of these stolen photographs, I have contacted Daily Mail about their licensing violation, negotiated a settlement, and am proud to announce that I will be using that money to buy my next fursuit. https://t.co/SaA0bEp1Wg
— Scotty (@ScottyWuff) August 17, 2023
UPDATE 2: Dishonest apologism by Blocked and Reported podcast.
An attempted debunking was made to tell an alternative truth to the experiences of a community who put up with 6 years of bad actors pushing in. It’s a longwinded journey that starts with a pre-made conclusion – let’s forget how Skaard called himself a “nazifur”, these aren’t “nazis”, so calling them nazis must be the real problem. This sets up the end goal of whataboutism at fed-up people.
Along the way, the podcast elevates the bad actors by swerving through excuses, speculation, and dubious assertions. It couldn’t have kept a straight story anyways, because most of the community refused to talk for it. (The author wrote to me: “The SoCal furries have included me in their media blackout order, so I’ve only been able to pick up that side of things by secondhand reports”.) It doesn’t disclose that reason for partial results… and SoCal furries were right to be suspicious, when the whole thing was made to confuse cause-and-effect in the 6-year pattern with common denominators Skaard, and his enabler Renn.
6 reasons to skip the dishonest podcast:
1) Unreliable source. The author was previously most known by furries for doing a hoax that inflamed hate against furries from right-wing smear accounts. The hoax was excused with justifications that you can entertain if you want to indulge everything else wrong here. Blocked And Reported is also known for apologism about transphobia and overindulging obvious bad actors.
2) Bad faith. When bad actors push for 6 years, is it a surprise if someone pushes back? Or is the surprise that it took that long? Handwringing about reactions sets that aside. Then it goes back to say Skaard’s original offense was just “asking for rides.” That’s an obvious bad-faith reduction of disrespect, meltdowns, and threats that went along with it. The whole thing copes and swerves around such inconveniences, making a checkerboard of omissions to defend the two common denominators. They are absolved for problem after problem that got them dismissed from group after group over 6 years. Their feud with Golden State Fur Con is not even mentioned, where Renn got them dropped from staff for bad behavior, then attacked the con with bad faith claims that it was “stolen” from them! (The firing had nothing to do with calling them “nazis.”) This distorted defense goes up to dismissing a BBQ incident that got police/rangers involved, because if police wouldn’t help, it must not matter. If someone threatens you, how many chances do you give them, anyways? Zero is all you owe, period. You don’t owe justifying your “No” to behavior like Skaard’s. But the piece presumptuously declares, “there is no justification for treating someone as irredeemable based on their beliefs alone” — uh, bullshit. That’s not for us to decide for fed-up people, especially while minimizing threats by Skaard.
3) Poor excuses. The apologism all stands on one very unbelievable excuse. It’s fine to point out a confusing look of “not-nazis” acting leftish, but not while excusing the “not-nazi” Skaard for displaying swastikas… because… he was only 20 when he labeled himself a Nazifur. That’s not a child. Then we’re supposed to trust that the “not-nazi” who ranted against SJW’s for making him remove a swastika was just being an ironic edgelord, but somehow also an innocent “socialist” member of furry nazis to “spy” on them. A claim with zero evidence of spying. Real spies don’t use main accounts, and guess what? There were real spies, they were organized, they knew each other, and this person wasn’t one. I know because I was there reporting the real thing. Now we’re supposed to memory-hole how a not-nazi got pissed off about removing swastikas, because of posting leftish memes somewhere else. I would love to hear the math behind this: does a Bernie Sanders meme neutralize 2 swastikas and an n-bomb? Keep in mind that virtue-signalling by Skaard isn’t actually incongruent with nazism as claimed — and being a 9/11 conspiracy truther helps to show how little you can trust these people for anything at all.

What a liar looks like
4) Platforming liars. To bolster the spy excuse, the apologism quotes Foxler, a person known for running the organized-crime-like Furry Raiders, claiming to be into bestiality, and child sex offending. Gosh if you ask a creep like that for the truth what do you think will happen? In another section it presents lying about me from someone going by “HeWhoRoarks” (about a story I didn’t write.) The results of this were…
5) Bad assertions. The apologism for Skaard claims complete truth based on half-assed, impossible to confirm information. Searching a Furry Raiders Telegram group for messages from the “spy” didn’t find any, so they say, (if we’re being charitable about how many accounts in their groups go through deletion for malicious behavior.) But Furry Raiders were also on Discord during Skaard’s membership. A gamer would be on Discord and so would a spy, when the worst activity was there. It was so bad that Discord repeatedly banned and deleted their groups for malicious behavior along with a wider sweep of terrorist groups. This wasn’t even considered for the narrative, and the excuse about learning this later was special pleading about not getting Discord records after not asking for them. While hypocritically failing to show evidence of “spying”. Which takes this back to reason #3.
6) Bad priorities. The big reason to skip it is how the whole thing treats nazi threats as overblown and just about personal spats. When cons have been canceled because of malicious activity by nazi-furs, and they have terrorist organizers and mass shooters, don’t waste your time looking for the list of leftists who do any of that. But the priority is to excuse a 6 year pattern from bad actors who picked a fight, in order to do whataboutism at a threatened community. Based on the effort already expended to defend bad actors, you won’t see anything better from these apologists than lip service about the big picture. They just don’t care about all this evidence, because when you break down all the feigned bad-faith “reasonable” “centrism” as I’ve just done, what you’re left with is the ugly dishonesty at their hearts. It wasn’t journalism – it was counterprogramming made to manipulate people and get them complacent about bad actors, including the ones doing the apologism. If you ever see a source like Blocked And Reported come posing as reliable media again – beware!

Admitting being among “Aushwitz RP” and mass bans, but not being liable, trust me bro… Claiming naivety at age 20? K 👌
I don't know what I expected from the Blocked And Reported podcast by Jesse Singal and Katie Herzog, but, ya know, really digging the bait and switch here.
"I'm just seeing no evidence of anyone involved being a Nazi! How absurd!"
"oh well I mean other than the Nazi stuff" https://t.co/8rzofbQiE3 pic.twitter.com/mMrOSElLAh
— Michael Paulauski (@mike10010100) September 8, 2023
He created his fursona as a Nazi
He repeatedly hung out online as that fursona
When others noticed that fursona was a Nazi, he called them "SJWs"
When others chose not to associate with him, he showed up, in person, to "settle things"
Come the fuck onhttps://t.co/P7BdNlPR8N
— Michael Paulauski (@mike10010100) September 8, 2023
(Also, showing up to an event where the organizers have said you’re not welcome is creepy stalker behavior in and of itself and frankly one of the few times I’d get the cops involved, though I understand why people might not, ACAB and all.)
— Isabel Cooper (@ICooperAuthor) September 8, 2023
UPDATE 3: A persistent, unrepentant nuisance.
A rant was sent in by Skaard, where he admits offenses but wants to justify them. With that horse long since beaten dead, there’s no point in airing argumentative manipulation. Let’s just summarize it:
- Denies being a nazi sympathizer, with zero accountability for labeling himself “nazifur” for all to see.
- Blames a 16 year old for giving him swastika art, with zero accountability for attacking people who found it offensive.
- Says he was never involved with Furry Raiders, while blaming the founder of Golden State Fur Con for getting him involved.
- Instead of owning Renn’s bad behavior that got them let go from GSFC staff, doubles down on attacking the founder.
- Admits harassing Dogpatch Press before this story with zero provocation, doubles down on attacking without apology.
- Pity tripping about being immature and reactive, still with no apology to anyone except feeling sorry for himself.
- “Whatabout” attacks at a long list of enemies, where he is the only common denominator.
- Rules-lawyering about boundaries, like the “I’m not touching you” game to justify flouting them for years.
A strong definition of Creep isn’t just someone who crosses a boundary, but manipulates offenses to be everyone else’s fault while persisting with it. That isn’t going to interfere with the truth here.

Skaard was blocked for creepy, harassing behavior towards Dogpatch Press long before reporting anything about him, and without knowing anyone else involved or engaging with him.

Persistent nuisance after being blocked. Multiple sources report being harassed with frivolous litigation threats by Skaard. Dogpatch Press stands by reporting with meeting harassment litigants in court and has never lost.
UPDATE 4: A pattern of provocation at Golden State Fur Con, and more nuisance litigation threats.
Below are posts by Skaard found in a group he runs covering the past 6 years. The deleted Telegram account (@vincescritters) is a minor child who claims to be co-founder of Golden State Fur Con with Renn and Skaard after they were fired for cause, and wants to conspire with them for revenge.
Skaard admits “ghosting” the con; entering without a welcome and refusing to pay for membership, while using facilities for members. Ghosting after being fired is provocative and malicious, while being hard to regulate. This shows clear violation of boundaries because he could get away with it.
When this behavior has consequences and people make boundaries, Skaard escalates against them with threats of nuisance litigation. This is the kind of threat that’s very hard to stop because it uses the system itself.
Skaard’s threats were unable to make a real case, showing ongoing intimidation for years before he finally provoked a real fight. When you see dishonest outsiders join in enabling and escalating it for opportunistic views, you can see why it’s so important for the community to make boundaries.
UPDATE 5: Continuing dishonesty with Blocked And Reported author in September 2024
Opportunistic enablers have no boundaries, but the Blocked and Reported author is now having a hard time pushing them. Onlookers are finding him to be an unreliable narrator, a year after the beach incident.
Both Skaard and his enablers had the same access to Dogpatch Press as everyone else in this report. They unsuccessfully used it to try selling bullshit. Abusing that access results in boundaries set. They wanted to be Blocked And Reported and they got it.
After being subject of reporting about 6 years of provocation, Skaard is STILL justifying sneaking into Golden State Fur Con. He uses retaliatory counter-accusation to excuse failing to stay away from those who fired him.
So you’re entitled to sneak in instead of leave them alone?
UPDATE 6: Evidence of pre-planning to provoke the beach incident, with collusion inside.
Chronic nuisance behavior made people expect Skaard to stay away until he stops it. They would have the same frustration as anyone who’s experienced a stalker, but can’t get help from police, who won’t intervene if it doesn’t quite meet the line that stalkers push. Only the aftermath was hyped up by dishonest sources while the 6-year nuisance was ignored.
Now, Skaard has published private messages about being fully aware of what he was doing. It shows plotting to sneak past boundaries with an event organizer, predicting it would provoke a fight, and motive to undermine others for revenge. Skaard knew what he was doing wrong even while posing as a victim.
Plotting sneaking in and revenge, predicting a fight and posing as victim.
Claims by the Blocked and Reported author make it likely that he saw this a year ago, but ignored how damaging it is. Bizarrely, Skaard acts like it shows him in a good light. Decoding:
- Skaard treats a secret plot with “owner” Mokie as permission to flout boundaries of the rest of staff and attendees. Yet Skaard also treated the beach as a place where nobody needed permission, as if other staff didn’t represent the event. Pick one.
- Furry events run by volunteers are by and for the community. A single organizer plotting against others is selfish and fatal to his credibility. If you’re ever in a position to favor a friend in a way that betrays a community group, stop. It’s your job to draw a line even if you lose the friend.
- Mokie does the both-sidesism fallacy towards a 6-year provoker who is the only common denominator in countless earned bans. That’s incompetent and negligent. It’s his job to identify provocation for event security.
- Skaard: “They’ve taken so much from me” is the voice of a stalker.
- “If there’s a fight they’ll be the ones that start it”… something said while researching which fight videos get the most views.
- Hiding in a secret fursuit: “I have a different suit, they won’t even know”. Mokie enables this creepy security-compromise; a cause to resign immediately.
- “I’d have blown my head off… make me kill myself.” Textbook suicide-baiting manipulation. “Threatening suicide is very manipulative, and the other person is expecting you to yield to his demands.” – Psychcentral
- Mokie: “We’ve got to be tactical about this… remove them from power”. There it is. A manipulative revenge motive.
A trusted organizer colluded with a stalker to violate boundaries of people he was supposed to protect, who were fed up with 6 years of nuisance and trying to protect their community. This collusion helped kill the Sunset Beach Bonfire event.

Protecting a stalker – famous last words
Deja vu
The end of Sunset Beach Bonfire is a reminder of the headline-making death of another event.
The owner was secretly colluding with a notorious nuisance, who was feeding him instructions to ignore community protest about his behavior. Provokers posed as victims while they threatened critics who cared about their community.
That was the 2017 death of Rocky Mountain Fur Con, 12 hours after a Dogpatch Press report exposed corruption within. The owner was RMFC’s CEO Kahuki, favoring the nazifur Foxler (who Blocked and Reported consulted for deceptive apologism for Skaard). Kahuki was a convicted sex offender, and Foxler was arrested for sex offending at the convention. A child victim paid the cost of their corruption.
At Sunset Beach Bonfire, Skaard’s boyfriend and the event paid the cost. Mokie could have drawn a line and saved it. There’s a lot we can learn from this.
But Skaard and his enablers learned nothing.
History keeps repeating. Both-sidesing and favoring known nuisances leads to disaster. In many cases it comes down to an individual facing a simple binary choice: draw a line, or enable the causes of their own misfortune. Be they nazifurs, or just plain unhinged manipulators with a little nazi-sympathizing in their irrational past and an expectation of enabling. It just needs a little pattern recognition for the kind of history documented in this story.
UPDATE 7: Skaard’s dangerous paranoia
The deja vu pattern makes an ever-growing list of enemies and grievances, from a supposed conspiracy against the sole common denominator, with zero self-reflection about how disconnected enemies don’t know each other.
Imagine antagonizing a hobby group this hard, and still pushing against people who fired you and want you to leave them alone…

A random post with no provocation at all to threaten violence.
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Those final words are good ones to consider. I can get wanting to chase out bad actors, but depending on how “far down the rabbit hole” someone is, it could just radicalize them.
This happened A LOT with the Furry Raiders. People who were neutral or even somewhat right wing got exiled by their local scenes, and then got scooped up by Foxler and co.
Not to mention how these freakouts can have other implications. We all can probably name one incident where someone does some stupid thing or makes a threat at a con and now, oh boy, increased security costs.
Personally I always default to dismissing the chuddy “you radicalized me” explanation as a manipulation tactic coming from people who were already wanting to go there and just looking for an excuse. Also adjacent to abuser logic, like “look what you made me do.” I don’t buy that nazi furry radicalizing, of all things, happens to neutral people.
There’s just too much freely available info and education to ever excuse sympathizing with nazis. People who do, often want another holocaust and savor the idea of wearing the boots for it – or at least they don’t care who gets hurt if they get ahead.
There are exceptions of mad people who can’t think straight and get groomed/smoothtalked/lovebombed and can snap out of it. But by default I’m going to take them as people who know better and are just indulging in being shitty for the thrill/revenge/whatever. Ones who know they are being wrong need to choose to do better and it’s nobody else’s responsibility to coax them. When they’re sincere, they don’t just drop out, they work on actively dismantling hate groups.
There’s also mentally/socially challenged people who, sadly, probably need supervision to be on the net at all, and that’s beyond saving by just appealing to logic and reason. If they are grown adults then maybe it ends in jail and it isn’t good to just let them have their way. That describes people who run groups like the Raiders for any persistent amount of time. Little sadists and creeps.
The documentary on Daryl Davis, black guy who befriended KKK members and got them to leave, has an important scene. He has a great individual story. However the SPLC does not favor his approach. They compare it to the “retail” vs the “wholesale” strategy. Nobody goes into the KKK without knowing what they’re getting into. There’s too much friction against it, so they intentionally keep it secret, and they need to want to leave. It could take 20 years to choose and in that time of trying to convince them, 20 more go in. The better thing to do is deplatform and do that healthy gatekeeping that makes it cost more to go in than not.
Sadly, nazis and their adjacents know that the law protects their flavor of abusive and antisocial behavior. It gives little practical recourse outside of social accountability. When the law is blind and protects offenders, it’s up to literal social justice regarding privileges, trust, employment, respect and so forth. Cops and courts don’t run society, the justice system just enforces when something goes wrong — families and employers and community groups are what makes it tick day to day.
I’ve never found a better way to deradicalize than by tipping parents or partners who will then put them at risk of being dumped, or twist their ear and make them explain what the hell they were thinking.
It’s why Nazis are so bent on poisoning the useful term social justice. They hate society itself, especially any foundation of equality, and fundamentally want inequality, supremacy and unaccountability for it.
Since the justice system doesn’t regulate joining nazi groups, sometimes the community needs to physically get in the way. The main reason I’d say to be careful is the way it can advantage people who will burn themselves to scorch you. People who want to get hit so they can sue or get headlines or whatever.
The most dangerous nazi is the manipulative sociopathic kind who knows how to be a bully and play victim at the same time, and actually charm people to believe them. No nazi is smart, but they can be clever about playing victim, gaslighting and flipping causes around DARVO style. “The crying nazi” is a type.
So yeah, if a nazi has provoked a fight, there had better be records ready to cover exactly how they started it to head off the victim posing. That’s the biggest concern about punching nazis. Not their two-faced feelings that they center over the harm they cause.
Exiling is much better and should be known as a package deal with choosing to sympathize with nazis. Pick a lane- tolerance by everyone, or a nasty little group of trolls over there. If they whine about being shunned or “hated” as a consequence, it’s because they gave themselves a little taste of the inequality that Nazis want to create for others. If they refuse to stop crossing the line, then something else happens.
Thx for coming to my Ted Talk.
A classic post – https://www.facebook.com/permalink.php?story_fbid=1935124890100282&id=100008083698763
The truly heartbreaking and infuriating thing for me is how the Raiders intentionally target people who are vulnerable, isolated, disaffected, and/or even more awkward than the average furry, and then feed them a bunch of BS about free expression, universal inclusion, and bringing the fandom back to its roots.
Then–and this is the insidious part–they’ll manipulate and pressure people into taking grand performative stands on behalf of the group, and groom them into crossing social and ethical lines that ultimately serve to alienate and infuriate everyone around them. Once the individual has been effectively cut off by everyone around them who isn’t a Raider, and once they’ve gotten into a pattern of repeatedly asserting and defending their “Raider” identity, it’ll take something pretty earth-shattering to pull them out of the spiral.
(On top of that, I do think the organization attracts and caters to people who are just plain bad apples, creeps, and ne’er-do-wells, and takes a lot of people who are just on the edge and encourages them to be worse.)
Thanks Troj, you know this group from seeing what they actually are. This comment is good so I linked it in the update.
I don’t think it was merely an accident or oversight that The Daily Fail and other centrist and right-leaning rags tried to ignore or downplay the Nazi connection and attempted to insinuate that the furry “fetishists” were the instigators of the conflict, and that’s frankly horrifying when one considers the implications of that frankly-deliberate editorial choice.
I know this is old news, but it came back up recently in a circle I’m in.
I won’t use my Fursona name because people will know who wrote this:
I feel as if the people who are members of the Raiders, are lost. I’ve been in their telegrams, a lot of them are just disgusted with how the fandom is, and it’s true a lot of right-wing leaning furries tend to get ostracized by other furries.
Many of the people aren’t even Nazi’s in there, but there are bad apples as someone else commented here such as Foxler.
I’m not a raider, I just wanted to see what all of the fuss was about. People calling them all alt-right neo-nazi’s is pretty far from the truth. Sure they exist, but they have no place to go, other than the Raiders groups. It’s rather sad that this group even exists, and it does tend to sweep up people who are right wing.
I’ll use a random username generator, because I feel as if me even saying this will cause trouble.
Boo hoo crocodile tears. Let’s cut the bullshit. The group you’re speaking of was created to be an aggressive nuisance. Every single member chose to seek out and join it voluntarily. You admitted you did. Nobody put you there.
When this leads to consequences, they convince each other to play the victim to excuse themselves. Boo hoo, it’s not their fault they chose to join, “not all nazis” etc. They parrot this feeble-minded apologism to each other in their echo chamber.
COMPLICITY: Complicit means “choosing to be involved in an illegal or questionable act, especially with others; having partnership or involvement in wrongdoing.” Or, put simply, it means being, at some level, responsible for something . . . even if indirectly. – https://www.dictionary.com/e/word-of-the-year-2017/
Every single one of them is complicit with nazis.
Every. One.
They shrug, look the other way, pretend not to see, sympathize with, excuse, and otherwise enable nazis. Simply by providing them a platform every day. The examples are beyond number. There was an anonymous leak channel that spent most of a year tracking them and it would happen every day.
A swastika here, a racial eugenics comment there, a link to an alt-right hate site, a callout to some hate leader, openly idolizing obscure fascists like Oswald Moseley that only nazis ever bring up in random conversation. It comes from long-time members and recruits they bring in. The number of nazis to let in is ZERO. They won’t cut them out because that would contradict the reason they created an aggressive nuisance group.
The group was created, organized, led by and for nazis. Either it’s ones who proclaim themselves to be fascists, or they deny it but walk and quack like a duck, so call it a duck. You mention one “bad apple” who happens to be the founder. You know what the rest of the bad apple saying is, right?
Any sad tool who covers ass for them by pretending it’s something else is serving as a convenient buffer and doormat.
I knew this was a bullshit comment from the start by posing them as victims when they are not. They are people who chose to join a troll group by themselves.
What really seals it is the lie that “they have no place to go.”
Bitch please.
Get a hobby. Take a class. Read a book. Play a sport. There are more groups and interests in the world than ever in history. All of these are choices. If you chose to make yourself unwelcome in one tiny little one, the world is at your fingertips. Nobody’s forcing you to keep slumming with a tiny fringe of trolls. This is like complaining that a restaurant kicked you out, so you had no choice except to join a gang and rob them, instead of going to another one or going home and cooking. (The Blocked And Reported apologism story pushed this excuse egregiously.)
The second you join, you’ve cut ties with credibility. That’s all there is to it. You simply can’t be in there and cry about being ostracized. You’ve shown what you’re willing to put up with, and now everyone else gets to show what they don’t.
It’s on you to earn back trust, and if you never get it again, tough. Nobody owes it to you any more than they owe response to a spammer or other nuisance.
None of that is “politics”. They whine about sides after creating a nuisance. Saying they are “disgusted with how the fandom is” is also a deflection about being noticed, and a code for various hate ideology.
Hate ideology such as homophobia, which is absolutely rampant in there. Don’t go dig out that excuse about how some of them are gay and minority, because every hate ideology depends on complicity by some members of their targets. Jewish people who helped nazis were called Collaborators. Gay ones are “pick me’s” who hypocritically except themselves and fellow collaborators in the hate they spread.
I’ve heard it all a million times and as much noise and crocodile tears as they make, it’s all useless. There’s only one real way forward and it’s very easy. Leave. Stop excusing and start undoing what they do.
You proved I’m right when you came here hiding your name and shame about this. You KNEW this is how it works before you chose to join. Now here you are covering ass for them with feeble excuses.
Actually they aren’t yours. They’re propaganda talking points the group spreads to hide what’s behind the front. They drill it into each other from the second they pull in a fresh new victim, even someone who’s never been noticed outside. It’s all they can talk about for years! They crave victimhood and go cruising and trolling for it. If they ever dropped the trolling and based their group on what every other fan group is for, they would wither away – they’re full of resentment at seeing other ones succeed without having to troll for attention. It’s not a group for fans, but for willful and malicious parasites, as shown by their entire history of behavior.
Can Skaard stop naming me in his Tweets and on Telegram? Jfc I am over being involved in this drama. I have him blocked for a reason. I’m sorry I apologized to him considering he decided to just take advantage and post shit all over the internet. He’s obsessive and I’m done being involved with it. I just needed to vent this somewhere and this seemed like the space to do it.
Thanks for posting this. You have a common complaint caused by the one common denominator for many victims – Skaard’s nuisance behavior. This creep also obsessively targeted this site, which happened before he was ever a subject of any story. That makes us witnesses in common. His enablers should be ashamed of themselves and he needs to go get a better hobby, and make himself absent from the one scene where he ruined things for himself by his own choice.
Take a look at this link. He rants about shit constantly on here. Keeps naming me and several others in various things. I’m so tired of it being public. I don’t know how many times I’ve tried to report it and get the personal texts on there taken down.
There’s a disgusting post in there where Skaard references eating out a woman who he admits was drunk and high, who accused Skaard of sexual assault. Calling an assault accusation a lie demands a very careful defense, and spewing gratuitous details of sex acts is Not It.
Pair that with complaints rising again and again from disconnected victims of Skaard’s pattern of behavior.
A private therapy session is a place for someone to work out their awful behavior, a fandom is not. This level of obsession deserves a restraining order.
I do want to bring up, since we talked about that additional footage that was released from Renn’s phone. I don’t mean to defend their actions, frankly I think Skaard and Renn went looking for a fight. But I do have a problem with the way things have been handled by the SoCal furry admins for a while now. While Skaard dug his own hole, I’ve seen a lot of people get bowled over by certain SoCal admins who power trip and have decided to become judge jury and executioner. I worry that some of the current power structures allow for serious favoritism and I’ve seen a number of locals driven out of the fandom by rumors that simply aren’t true because many admins are trying to save face publicly and not really hear out issues. Not naming specific names, but it’s become such a problem that I’ve seen a lot of new furries driven out of the fandom. Again, not defending those two, but I have seen some not so great behavior deter people from spending time in the SoCal scene. Frankly I’m frequently afraid to speak up for fear of being dogpiled on when I bring up things that I think are a legitimate issue. A lot of people I know feel the same.
I hear you. Favoritism is super annoying and seems to be everywhere.
I’d ask for documenting deliberate patterns more than ordinary human flaws though, and separating one’s own involvement. It’s possible to have multiple issues at the same time, but separate them as their own stories…
In this story, we have a pattern by chronic nuisances who point “look over there” or recriminate by habit in every single instance of their long history of getting in trouble with unconnected people. I’ve experienced that, and not had any contact with SoCal admins, nor previously engaged Skaard about his harassment. All I did was block him. It’s simply not true when Skaard and Renn suggest rumors made their bad reputation.
I think the amount of dishonest pushback this story generated is evidence of how hard it is to gatekeep fandom. If someone claims to be driven out, they can just… not keep antagonizing and sneaking into things while refusing to go elsewhere? That’s a bad faith claim to start with and it’s own cause.
If there’s a suggestion that overactive authority is driving people out… let’s look at the update chatlogs of Mokie colluding with Skaard to sneak him in with a secret fursuit while he’s talking about fighting. An instant resignation-worthy failure of management.
That makes strong counter-evidence that leadership is too weak and incompetent, and needs to draw stronger boundaries than they do, and the favoritism was actually on behalf of nuisances who least deserve it.
I’m not going to suggest that your own experiences are false, but that just maybe, they’re colored by being very personal.
If someone else has other experiences, I’d take those case by case, and if there’s issues someone is afraid to speak on, I could… I lost fear 🙂 Thanks for commenting.
Instead of calling the police when the tresspassers invaded the private event the one guy with the megaphone made things worse by attacking one of them using the megaphone as a weapon and his actions subsequently got the event cancelled for everybody.
Fact check: false.
The police were asked for help because the banned people would escalate.
The police declined to help and then the banned people came and escalated.
The police omitted from their statement that they declined to help, and blamed the targets of the banned people’s harassment.
Let’s refresh your memory about who got the event cancelled for everybody:
“They were told previously that the two of them weren’t allowed to attend this meet; they ignored warnings on purpose. They were also escorted off premises at a similar meetup a week prior by law enforcement during the FurBQ. They have been banned from numerous southern Californian furry events because of death threats and harassment campaigns to the members, most of which were done verbally with no recordings, along with affiliation with the Furry Raiders, a known Neo Nazi Furry group.
We had a reserved area on the beach, and the staff of the event organizers were allowed limited control of who was or wasn’t allowed there. During the beginning of the confrontation, these people were told that they were allowed to go anywhere else on the beach other than our area which we had a reserved permit for. We also didn’t want them interacting with our suit lounge, which was part of the permit.
This was incident #3, and the other 2 incidents had been handled without further trouble. Law enforcement told us earlier in the day when the first incident occurred that they either wouldn’t help us, or couldn’t be able to help us.”
Most of these points are correct, to a degree. However, a few things must be corrected here as they are materially false.
1) The beach itself was not reserved. To expand upon this, there was a permit issued by the Beach Authority, but it did not encompass the sand itself. In truth, the permit was for the private rental of the four picnic areas with roofing which was used for staff-offered amenities as well as private staff food for our volunteers. This also included a provision that allowed us to have a fursuit lounge tent for people to change inside of. This did not extend to us, the staff, the ability to trespass any one individual from the sand upon which the event was held because to actually rent the sand itself… which was charged by the square meter, would be a costly expense greater than the nearly-$800 to secure the 4 picnic areas. TLDR: The sand was unreserved first-come first-serve public property. We had non-furry beach-goers all ready set up directly in the center of the event, so we set up around them.
2) The pair indeed were banned from all social media platforms directly controlled by Sunset Beach Bonfire Staff. By extension, several among the staff… those who have had direct history and conflict with the pair in question, made it clear that their presence was unwelcome.
3) Beach Law Enforcement declined to intervene because it was not a high priority issue, as the matter at the time was purely civil and not criminal. They had several issues all ready in their queue. This, naturally, changed when the video-recorded assault took place and made a civil matter a felony assault matter(at the time). This later, as you have said, was reduced to a misdemeanor. An important note: Law enforcement was not contacted until the pair had parked, and arrived on the sand. Several staff were aware in advance of their impending arrival, and attempted an intercept to confront them.
All in all, it doesn’t change the fight that happened or the turmoil surrounding the entire situation. There just were many things that happened behind the scenes that only senior event staff were privy to. And evidently, a few things that were secret as well.
On a side-note: Happy Belated New Years!