Remembering Mark Merlino (1952-2024), a founder and soul of furry fandom
by Patch O'Furr

Mark (left) and Rod holding their Lifetime Achievement Award — from the 2022 Good Furry Awards
They had a shared vision
Mark Merlino was a founder of both the furry fandom and the North American anime fandom. In 1971, meeting fellow hobbyists at science fiction conventions led to the 1977 formation of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization (C/FO), using the clubhouse of the Los Angeles Science Fiction Society (LASFS). They would screen rare videos of imported Japanese animation for lucky members to see before anyone else, and movies like Animalympics that were first called funny-animal and later furry. In 1989 Mark and his partner Rod O’Riley co-founded the first furry convention, Confurence.
Their vision stood apart from major influences like Star Trek or Star Wars. They would gather fans without elitism or ambitions of an exclusive club, with no central property, brand or owner. It was a vision of collaboration, expressed with sketchbook sharing, convention room parties, and direct fan-to-fan creativity. That’s how love for animal characters turned into being original role-play fursonas. It was shaded by counterculture of 1960’s underground comix, and lit by the sparks of pre-internet fandom circulated by VHS tapes and mail ‘zines.
The flame was tended from Mark’s Southern California house, The Prancing Skiltaire, established in 1980. It was named after a mink-like alien species he created and also a reference to the Prancing Pony Inn in Lord of the Rings. Mark shared the house with Rod and a rotating cast of fellow creative oddballs and luminaries. In the mid-1980’s he created his fursona Sylys Sable and Rod created Vinson Mink with a similar back-story. They supported regular monthly furmeets, con staff meets, furry BBS and MUCK activity and an ISP, animation screenings and mingling with California industry talent, and development of independent zine/APA publishing, animation, games, and costuming. They were at the forefront of an explosion of nearly 200 conventions and worldwide subculture that serves millions today.
Tributes around the world
After 5 decades at the heart of it all, Mark’s elder health problems led to hospitalization at the new year in 2024. He was lovingly supported by friends and partners and a crowdfund until he passed away on February 20. Anime, furry, and brony networks lit up with condolences from around the world while the name Mark Merlino trended on social media next to mainstream celebrities.
He is survived by partners including Rod, and Changa who joined them for 28 years. They were united by love and creativity, but as queer people, their relationship was fundamental to the acceptance and expression that aligns many furries with queer culture. Fandom may be a hobby, but it’s also a way to show identity, and theirs was the soul of what furries are.
- Dozens of convention memorial messages are collected on the Telegram news channel of Grovel Husky.
- History book Furry Nation by Joe Strike (Cleis Press) profiles Mark in Chapter Four (“A Fandom is Born”).
- Mark also features in fellow fandom founder Fred Patten‘s An Illustrated Chronology of Furry Fandom, 1966–1996.
- Documentary movie The Fandom (2020) features Mark and the Skiltaire house and residents.
Mark contributed stories to Dogpatch Press. With eyes on the future, his 2022 look at Furality featured its hugely successful 15,000 attendance. He also wrote 2020’s A brief history of the Cartoon/Fantasy Organization, America’s first anime fan club. Then there were meetings in person.
Patch O’Furr’s memory: generosity and delight
At first contact in 2013, I was a cold caller to Mark. I reached him to write about his furry gallery art show that he called a dream he had for over 30 years. He was super excited to be asked. He was always that generous for convention meetings at his room, where he would tell funny grandpa stories in a Zootopia hat with fuzzy ears. His eyes would light up while he played a fan cut of Animalympics and explained how it was unjustly unseen until being rescued for people like us. It was charming when Rod chimed in with him.
In 2019 my girlfriend planned a trip with time to visit the Skiltaire house. It was packed with memorabilia like Aladdin’s cave, a museum, or a holy shrine for a pilgrimage. We got a tour, watched documentary about them, and had dinner. My girlfriend, not a furry, was very quiet while taking it all in, which turned into delighted writing about the visit later. That means a lot because she has passed away. It’s one of life’s best memories because of their generosity.
The most personal way I got to know Mark was private email where he explained philosphy that I boiled down above, and “lifestyler vs. traditionalist” conflict (a way that rivalry or even homophobia came to furry spaces). From long experience, Mark asked me not to publish unless he could collect it into “things clearly marked as ‘opinion’, ‘recollection’ and verified fact. I am particularly nervous about ‘naming names’. This has bitten me badly in the past.” That included a story about once receiving a dead squirrel in a UPS package!
He added: “I am very proud of what Rod, myself, and our friends have done to help create Furry Fandom.”
How it started: How it’s grown:
RIP Mark Merlino (Sy Sable)
— David Bookworm Popovich (@Bookworm_Review) February 21, 2024
Our Furry Heritage — by Jack Newhorse, Telegram: @JackNewhorse
“My heart has joined the Thousand, for my friend stopped running today.” — Hazel, upon the death of Bigwig; Watership Down, by Richard Adams.
Mark Merlino, half of the couple generally acknowledged as “Fathers of the Furry Fandom”, died today. I’ll leave personal tributes to those who knew him, as I didn’t. But still I said the phrase above to myself, as I do whenever I hear of a furry’s death.
You who are reading this might already know about Mark (and his partner Rod). As creators of seminal furry organizations who have remained active in the fandom, they form an important part of our heritage. Visitors to monthly gatherings at their home in Southern California have had the opportunity to touch its dust: The newsletters, drawings, and other furry ephemera stretching back more than forty years.
Furry heritage of this sort has been getting more attention in the last few years. Fred Patten led the charge in 2016 with his book, Furry Fandom Conventions, 1989-2015, followed by Joe Strike’s Furry Nation and Ash Coyote and Eric Risher’s award-winning documentary, The Fandom. More recently, Gamepopper started the Furry Fandom History Project and has been giving talks at conventions about it; he’s among the contributors to the 250GB Furry History Collection on And in academia, the topic is covered by dozens (if not hundreds) of papers. (All of these projects owe a debt of gratitude to Wikifur, a primary source of furry information since 2005.)
I joined the fandom in 1998 and so had a ringside seat to some of this heritage. I promise you: life seemed as banal then as now. You never know what ideas will catch on, and Things require Space. Do I keep this con book? This flyer from a picnic? A supersponsor plushie? As the past recedes, we eliminate minor (and inconvenient) details, we create myths. But if you keep the artifacts, you have a base truth more true than memory.
This becomes more important as our fandom passes through the membrane into mass culture. Hundreds (perhaps thousands) of people now make their living exclusively by catering to us; furry businesses are popping up like spring flowers. Partygoers have discovered our club nights, and celebrities show up at our cons. We offer something compelling: It’s only a matter of time until every family has (or personally knows) furries. And you’ll be able to say to those newcomers, “I was there.”
(My organization, Otterdam Foundation, recognizes this and works to ease integration by “helping non-furry institutions explore anthropomorphic arts”. On this note, we’re planning the public-facing Otterdam Furry Arts Festival in cooperation with local arts organizations for this October.)
Mark will never again tell his stories on a couch in a con lobby, at the Prancing Skiltaire, or to his partner. But he did tell them. He and Rod invited people into their home; they presented at cons. (I was fortunate to be at their talk at what I think was Mark’s last, Midwest Furfest 2023.) They saved their artifacts, allowing those who followed to contextualize it all. To do that they had to first decide that what they were doing was important, even if seemingly banal at the time.
He mattered. This matters. And you, too, matter.
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Thank you, Patch for the article. It was a pleasure to know Mark, as I learned so much from my time conversing with him and Rodney. These last 10 years have been a dream! The monthly parties were always fun, especially the last P.S. party in December which I fursuited after the holiday gift exchange. I believe I have a pic to send to you from the last P.S. party before Mark’s stroke on Dec 23rd. I will continue to keep all my furry books and materials as we need to keep the history alive. I will honor Mark in whatever I can do while comforting Rod and Changa. Mark will always be in my heart, and the memories too. Joe
Well-written tribute, Patch. Thanks for that. I hope the furs who never met Sy will read it.
Good show, Sy. We’ll miss you!
Good show, Sy. We’ll miss you! Excellent tribute, Patch. We need more sources of news like you.
Mark did so much for us, I hope his legacy is learned and remembered by many more generations of furries to come. We wouldn’t be connected had it not been for him.
Patch, thank you for your tribute to Mark. Like so many other furs, I was furry before “furry” existed, doing secret animal dress-ups with homemade masks & feeling ashamed of myself for being so into something I thought I could never share with anyone.
Then Mark and Rod brought furry into the world; I was fortunate enought to learn about it in its aborning days and knew I had found my “tribe;” so much of my guilt and shame evaporated in that moment.
In a comment I left on the GoFundMe page that raised funds for his care I thanked Mark for “helping me become myself” – and I know I am far, far from the only one whose life was changed for the better thanks to Mark and Rod.
Mark may have been one of the most influential people in the history of fandom culture, not just for helping create the furry fandom but helping shape Western otakudom. The state of pop culture would be inconceivably different today if not for the C/FO and the passions and loves that they collectively shared. That Mark and Rod helped forge a place that allowed queer people to express themselves openly and without fear, in a society that, despite claims of progress, continues to oppress and erase them even today, is nothing short of commendable. He helped people realize who they were, who knows how many lives he ended up saving, even if he didn’t know it. Being partially responsible for anime and manga being imported stateside almost seems like a bonus in comparison, but a more than welcome one.
If Paradise exists he has certainly and very understandibly earned it.
I being born in 1980 and being an 1980s kid and 1990s teen growing up watching old cartoons with anthro animals by WB, Hanna Barbera, Disney, MGM, and ETC.. I also got to see 1980s cartoons like Voltron, Thundercats, Ninja Turtles, Real Cowboys of Moo Mesa, and ETC.. I also remember seeing Japanese animation ( Anime ) starting to air on TV in the 1980s and 1990s which I liked. I also like Scifi Star Trek, Starwars, Doctor Who, and ETC. . I joined the furry fandom in 2009 thanks to an Thundercats cartoon fandom website ran by an furry that had an link to the long gone FurNation website and created my white lion fursona Darklion The Thundercat who is like me an gay male. I then joined Second Life in the January of 2010 as Darklion. I’ve met Sy in Second Life and hung with him at the club he worked at in SL also chatted with him. I respect him as being one of the founders of both the Anime and the Furry Fandoms. R.I.P. Sy / Mark you’ll be missed but your legend will live on. Positve Energies & Lion Hugs to his other friends and family. 🙂 =^.^=