2024 Good Furry Award – final week for voting – open until September 30
by Patch O'Furr
Vote HERE for the 6th Annual Good Furry Awards
See the nominations HERE before you vote. Since 2019, the Good Furry Award has been recognizing fan-nominated furries for outstanding community spirit. It has grown from one award to 4 categories:
- The Image Award is for furries who give the fandom a positive image through videos, podcasts, vlogs, documentaries, websites, and other social media.
- The Good Egg Award is for furries who do good deeds for individuals, animals, organizations, or the community.
- The Furtastic Award is for furries who are excellent at other things not easily categorized as the above two and so is a catch-all for general pawsomeness.
- The Lifetime Achievement Award is selected by committee, and is in its 3rd year.
With the amount of awards, payment is phased out, and now winners get a trophy from founder Papabear Grubbs Grizzly of Uncle Bear Publishing.
The winners will be announced at Biggest Little Fur Con in Reno on October 15.

Art by DBruin
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