A furry’s brush with fascism – authorities “don’t understand the seriousness of the threat.”
by Patch O'Furr

(Comment from blog linked below.)
Sugar-coating helps fascism worm its way inside a community. Even with cartoon animals when Altfurry brings Trojan-horse hate to furry fandom. See tagged stories here.
A regional furry organizer shared this story. ID is withheld so their job can be discussed. They’re an airport terminal worker.
“Just encountered something that I never expected to see.
A line of badged, patched, and uniformed fascists just came through my airport. Like any other passenger group, I was assisting them. Noticing their crossed hammer imagery in red and white, I thought… maybe I was mistaken.
I asked them if they were Pink Floyd fans (imagery from The Wall). I got blank stares, followed by laughter.
“No” one of them said, “We’re humanitarians, on our way to go clean up Puerto Rico!”
Laughter from the others.
“We’re plumbers too, and carpenters, gonna rebuild this place!”
More chuckles.
Noticing the very particular tattoos a few of them bore, I knew. Still, I asked. “Oh cool, glad you’re reaching out, what organization are you with?”
One of them winked at me. Pointed at his patch. “How about you look this up. We’re doing great work”.
Fair enough. Finished helping him and the five others. And then researched the image they bore.
Hammerskins. A white supremacist group that’s been planning a rally in the area.
I just came face to face with hate. And. I still feel uneasy inside. Especially as they found it amusing that I politely pretended not to recognize what they represented.