Dogpatch Press

Fluff Pieces Every Week

Tag: furries

The Furclub Survey: introducing the world’s independent Furry dance parties.

by Patch O'Furr

From Howl Toronto.

Howl Toronto.

Furclubbing:   “A repeat/regular nightclub event by furries for furries.”  The concept has been spreading since the late 2000’s.  This kind of dance party is independent from conventions. It builds on their growth but takes things farther.  It’s more established than informal meets or events that happen once.  Those can stay inner-focused for friends who already know each other, but these events bring partnership with new venues that support and host furries. They’re a gateway to the public, so a stranger may walk in off the street and discover their new favorite thing.  It encourages new blood and crossover. It makes a subculture thrive.  There are connections to DJ and rave scenes.  But this is its own unique movement!


The Survey Questions



Any party that responds will get their own featured article! (Check back for new responses linked with party names below.)  

Do you know any others?  Please share these questions to them, and send responses or tips to

Casual answers are fine (they will get partnership to create and boost an article). Please include graphics, pics or vids. What can you tell the fandom about these?

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“Further Confessions” photo project puts fursuiting in an art gallery, and does FUN right.

by Patch O'Furr

keagos / further confusion 2014

“Further Confessions” gallery opening

Canessa Gallery in San Francisco.  November 7, at 7PM – 708 Montgomery Street.

Portraiture of fursuiters can be tough to pull off with as much energy as in person.  That’s why I love promoting “Street Fursuiting,” and candid photos of it.

Fursuiting appeals when it engages viewers to interact.  It’s animated and tactile.  Staging their play can dull that down.  Less-successful efforts can look like a diorama of stuffed toys. Cartoony suit design may not blend with surroundings, turning long views into eye-straining barf.

But no matter how they’re executed, they make memories with meaning to those who were there.  If you’re furry, you get it. Art for the uninitiated is just a different purpose.

Ron Lussier’s “Further Confessions project overcomes the “stageyness” barrier in a compelling way.  He juxtaposes portraits with personality expressed in hand-written statements.  They reach through the frame, and greet you as personally as a hug.  This stuff does FUN right.  I have to say it’s the best fursuiter portraiture I’ve seen, and I think it’s an honor to have Furries featured this way in an art gallery.

Fursuiters are invited to the opening!

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Philly’s “Unleashed” joins a New Thing of independent Furry dance parties. Call it- “Furclubbing?”

by Patch O'Furr

There’s a New Thing happening in lots of places. (And it doesn’t have to do with baby seals. Yikes!)unleashed

This is how it starts.  Furry social life thrives when friends get together informally – like this 2009 meet in Ottawa.  Ahh… I want to go here!

 Frolic, the original Furry dance party, is a model.  (Check this interview if you don’t know it.)  Frolic founder Neonbunny says:

I think society in general, especially when we have the internet and different ways of finding very specific niche culture- I think subcultures are taking off. People like to party, socialize, and be around each other – and use the internet to find new ways to get together and be together in person, not just on the internet.  The internet makes us feel a little isolated, and we try to balance that by going to these crowded events… It’s changed in the last 10-20 years, and more and more people are seeking these crowds rather than getting away from it all.  It’s why countercultures are thriving. It’s about events. Whether it’s a Furry convention, or Frolic, or other get togethers, it’s about events.

“Furclubbing” is the New Thing that I see becoming a trend since the late 2000’s.  It’s been spreading by furries influencing others to start formal events independent from cons.  This builds on the growth of cons, and takes things farther.

Neonbunny defines it as:  “A repeat/regular nightclub event by furries for furries. There’s probably a half dozen events. Then there’s probably been a couple hundred one off furry events done in a bar or other legal (non house) venue.”  As Howl Toronto puts it:  Con dances happen once a year, and “that’s just not enough to fill the need!”

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Historian and editor, Fred Patten, invites writers for “Furry Future” anthology.

by Patch O'Furr

Writers: check out this announcement from Fred Patten.  He’s “one of the main founders of the furry fandom”.  Between his fiction book editing, column writing for Cartoon Research, and Flayrah submissions, he took a minute to pass me a much appreciated note.  

Dear Patch;

The Furry Future is an original-fiction anthology that I am editing for FurPlanet Productions.  Here’s the open invitation for submissions that I sent out:

FurPlanet Publications has just opened The Furry Future, edited by Fred Patten, its forthcoming original-short story anthology for Further Confusion 2015.   This will go on sale on January 15, 2015, so our deadline to accept proposed submissions is November 1, 2014, with the deadline for finished stories of December 1. Our goal is a book of 120,000 to 150,000 words, with from ten to fourteen stories by different authors.

We would like to invite all FWG members to submit a story to this anthology.   Since both our What Happens Next and Five Fortunes have featured sequels to their authors’ previous stories, we would like this book to present original scenarios.   No sequels.   Show us what ideas you have for something new, with a strong furry theme.

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Fox cartoons that make you tingly. Furry Newsdump (10-3-14)

by Patch O'Furr

Here’s links, headlines and little bites of news to make your tail wag.  Story tips are always welcome.


In the Media and around Furry Fandom…


berionWhen people become stuffed animals (Wenn Menschen zu Plüschtieren werden)

Furrymedia has the German news article.  It covers Eurofurence, gives a very nice description of what Furries are – and interviews some really cute ones.

Furries! Hack takes you inside the furry community…

“… to find out why people love dressing up as furry animals. Is it a sex thing? A creative outlet? Or, just a way to belong?”  This radio/podcast for young Australians covers their con, FurJam.

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Furries are breaking through. Obama and the Oscars like you. Now you’re on a federal stamp.

by Patch O'Furr

Ruddy Ducks, by Jennifer Miller - postage stamp contest winning art.

Ruddy Ducks, by Jennifer Miller – stamp contest winning art.

What’s next – a fursuit campaign for president?  I’m half-joking… but these are real events recently:

And this week:

From Dronon on Flayrah:

Congrats to the artist we know as Nambroth for winning the U.S. Federal Duck Stamp contest!

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Controversy and success: San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny part 4

by Patch O'Furr

02Interview series:  Artists, animation directors, DJ’s and event organizers, superfans, and more…
Neonbunny is founding DJ and promoter of Frolic. The 90 minute interview has 4 parts, with one a week posting this month.

4) Controversy and success – Music, DIY culture, Furry events, sex, drama, and more.


For many furries in the world, the San Francisco Bay Area is the place to be. For many in the Bay, Frolic is THE most furry place. It isn’t the only center, but it’s an influential one. It’s not just the best Furry party… I’d call it the best party San Francisco has, period.  Check out Frolic’s website, and read about it in The Bold Italic magazine.

Neonbunny, founding DJ and promoter of Frolic, met me for a long interview over dinner. His partner Jody who handles tech, lighting and animation was with us.  It was a year ago, just after they got back from 2013’s Burning Man event in Nevada.  Neon’s early trips to Burning Man led to discovering Furries in the early 2000’s, and making friends to help throw parties.  It turned into a scene connected to local counterculture.  Since Frolic started in 2010, it’s had nice success.  We talked about the wide roles of such events and their makers:



(Patch:) I thought DJing would come before promoting shows, but it’s the other way around for you.

(Neon:)  I’ve always been musically inclined, just like I was inclined to wear animal costumes. When I was a kid, for Halloween, it was always a cat costume. My parents got me keyboard lessons. I was in a high school band, played drums, messed around with a punk band with some friends, and always into new music.

I pay attention to lot of electronic music, and gothic kind of stuff.  I hang out on a forum that has people who are almost legendary. It’s like, “I was listening to your album when I was a kid.”   This week I saw Gary Numan and met the guy from Cold Cave.  Some is going strong since then, some is having kind of a renaissance. 

I was into a lot of that in high school.  I was always into punk rock as a kid. Electronic music has some of the same aspects, it’s about self publishing – there’s a DIY aspect.  You don’t need a record label – it’s people publishing their friends.

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Facebook’s “real name” controversy, Drag queens, and furries

by Patch O'Furr


Facebook closed my account. There’s a wave of furry victims of this ill-planned policy. Did it happen to you too?

Behind the fursona, there’s deeper issues, like the way internet trolls enjoy gay-bashing and compromising safety for participants of certain live club events. These names are positive statements. Forcing you not to use yours is a negative statement.

When I organized a “hug-in” coinciding with a protest threat from Westboro Baptist Church (of “God Hates Fags” infamy), it was meant to be a positive thing of it’s own… but also to answer them with positivity.  (They didn’t show- all we did was hug.)  Facebook’s policy jeopardizes people’s safety to speak that way.

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A slightly naughty Furry News Dump (9-17-14)

by Patch O'Furr

Here’s links, headlines and little bites of news to make your tail wag.  Tips are always welcome.


In the Media…


What Is a Furry? Beyond the Masks at Furry Migration 2014.

A refreshingly positive article in the Minneapolis Citypages has a three minute video. It has heavy focus on fursuiters, but quotes literary-furries too.

Symbicort’s cartoon wolves.
A :60 commercial spot for the pharma company was made to air nationally, using drawn 2D animation to beautiful effect you don’t see enough these days. (I’m interested to know what agency/studio made it… it looks like illustrator/animator Barry Bruner helped pitch it.

Road Raging Russian Beaten By Furries.

(Really, it’s non-furry mascots – but it makes a good headline.)

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The furry scene: San Francisco’s Frolic party – interview with Neonbunny part 3

by Patch O'Furr

02Interview series:  Artists, animation directors, DJ’s and event organizers, superfans, and more…
Neonbunny is founding DJ and promoter of Frolic. The 90 minute interview has 4 parts, with one a week posting this month.

3) The furry scene – Frolic’s venue: The Stud – Promoting and operating Frolic.


For many furries in the world, the San Francisco Bay Area is the place to be. For many in the Bay, Frolic is THE most furry place. It isn’t the only center, but it’s an influential one. It’s not just the best Furry party… I’d call it the best party San Francisco has, period.  Check out Frolic’s website, and read about it in The Bold Italic magazine.

Neonbunny, founding DJ and promoter of Frolic, met me for a long interview over dinner. His partner Jody who handles tech, lighting and animation was with us. It was a year ago, just after they got back from 2013’s Burning Man event in Nevada.  Neon’s early trips to Burning Man led to discovering Furries in the early 2000’s, and making friends to help throw parties.  It turned into a scene connected to local counterculture.



(Patch) – The Stud adds a lot of history to Frolic.  One of the bar tenders, Bernadette, wanted to talk more about this.

(Neon) – Michael is the owner.  He was the manager in the early 1990’s when The Stud was going into financial trouble.  It came close to shutting down.  He and a few bartenders got together.  They would have been fired.  The owner needed to sell – it was near going bankrupt. They took out a loan to buy- Michael did most work to be the major shareholder.  Maybe not initially, but others sold their shares or died.

It’s important for culture to have places you know you can go where people care.

San Francisco’s Folsom Street area used to have dozens of gay bars. Now it’s down to a couple.  It used to be a whole mile stretch from SOMA to the Castro, full of gay bars and clubs back in the 1970’s.  AIDS killed a lot of people.

A friend who I know (through dancing in a furry music video together) took me to Powerhouse.  He’s connected with the Radical Faeries.  It’s one of the only places that still has the old school 1970’s vibe.  You go in the back alley – it’s closed off but not technically under the roof, so people do whatever they want back there.

The Stud has history before Michael and the owners bought it.  It’s the oldest gay club still still operating.  It was established in the late 1960’s, where the Holy Cow is now.  It moved to the new place in the 1980’s.  It has a history of encouraging counterculture in show and costumes.

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